Looking for motivation and support!

My name is Chrissa, I'm 25 and live in iowa. I'm hoping to lose weight so that I can be healthier and than hopefully start trying to have a baby! I want to lose at least 100 lbs. I started clean eating January 5th and am down 36 lbs so far, but am looking for some support and motivation on the way!


  • kjwilkins
    kjwilkins Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome to my fitness pal! Good for you for making such a positive life changing decision! Wishing you much success in reaching your health goals.
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Chrissa. You are well on your way to creating an awesome example when you have kids. Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy, I'm on daily trying to motivate by example and cheerleading from the side line your successes and being there for the stumbles. Good luck and much success!