Any suggestions for a menu planning service/site?

Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
My GF and I have been looking around trying to find a menu planning site or service. Between busy jobs and demanding hobbies, meal and menu planning is one of the most difficult things for us, and it's where we're most likely to fail.

We've been looking around at various meal planning websites, but so far haven't been able to find one that gives a good balance of features. Ideally, we'd like to find something that allows us to set our macro goals (similar to MFP), be able to plan meals for both of us to eat (I have a higher caloric goal, so the thought was that we'd eat the same meals, and I'd just have a small snack sometime during the day), would allow us to block out foods we won't eat (sorry - doesn't matter how you cook it, I WON'T eat asparagus, and she won't eat eggs).

I've tried looking online for nutritionists in the area, but not having any luck. Does anyone have any suggestions for sites that give that kind of flexibility, or advice on how to find that type of menu planning service?


  • Pinterest? I've found a lot of good stuff on there - it covers the whole gamut (sp). Go into Pinterest and type Meal Planning and see what you get. Good Luck!
  • JJLove109
    JJLove109 Posts: 1 Member
    I use The Fresh 20 - they have several different plans. I've also found it very easy to substitute ingredients if theres something in there you can't/won't eat. You do have to spend about an hour at the beginning of the week prepping vegetables but overall it's totally worth it and the good is actually quite delicious. If you get an annual subscription you get access to the archives and you can pick a different week of food if the current week isn't to your liking.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I use Pintrest too. I have a board that is for weekly meal planning. The week before, or sometimes the day I go shopping, I find recipes for the week. Then when it's time to use them they are all right there ready at my finger tips.