Overactive Appetite

First, my history:
About 4 years ago, I had a pituitary tumor removed and then I lost a ton of weight. The pounds came off easily once my hormones returned to normal and I finally reached a healthy weight for the first time in my life. Three years ago, I quit smoking and put on about 15 pounds. I didn't try to lose it but I was still healthy and felt good about myself so that's where I stayed. A year and a half ago, I got pregnant and gained about 60lbs. Within a month after giving birth, I was 10lbs away from my prepregnancy weight. I was breastfeeding and not overeating because I wasn't all that hungry. In fact, I had to use MFP to make sure I was eating enough to provide proper nutrition to my baby. At 6 weeks postpartum, I was put on an antidepressant for postpartum depression. That sent my appetite into overdrive and no matter what I ate, I was always hungry. I gained 30lbs in 3 months. In total, I gained back 50lbs. I switched antidepressants after 3 months and my hunger subsided a bit. By the time my baby was 7 months old, I was completely off the meds.

My baby is 9 months old, I'm off all meds, I'm 50lbs overweight, and I still can't control my appetite. I've experimented with eating different foods, proteins, fiber, increasing my water intake, etc. I'm still hungry. All the time. It dawned on me that the only times in my life that I didn't feel hungrier than a normal person were after I got that tumor out of my head and those few weeks postpartum. My hormones are all normal now so that's not the reason for the hunger.

If any of you have some ideas why I might be feeling this way, please share them. I'm open to anything. Like I said, it's pretty much been lifelong. I've talked to doctors and they don't know the cause. My weight is starting to really bother me and I have no clothes that fit for summer. I don't have the money to go buy a larger wardrobe either. I'm very self-conscious now.


  • missyberardi
    I too was and I still am on an antidepressant. I had my son, who is now 6, and after him I was fine. I went right back to my normal size. Then I got pregnant a yr later with my daughter & all hell broke loose. I put on a ton of wt and after having her started have these rage issues. My obgyn put me on Zoloft. I said I'm not depressed I just want to kill someone. She said it helps & you shouldn't need it long. Well my daughter is now 4 and I still need it. I've tried going off because of the wt gain, but I was a lunatic. I went from Zoloft to Prozac. Both made me want to nonstop eat. About 3 wks ago I was at the doctors & told him I'm having a hard time with this wt. It's making me depressed. He switched me to Effexor XR & in the 3 wks I've lost 9 pounds. Between this app helping with my calories & the pill calming my appetite I feel great. I have the energy and the drive to exercise. So I would suggest maybe going to your family doctor to talk about it and see what your options are. Or possibly a nutritionist. I know several people who have lost wt after going to one. I just know where you're coming from when it comes to wt gain from antidepressants. They help you in one way but ruin you in another. I would start with your family doc though. If you have a good one who listens they should be able to push you in the right direction.
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you! I thought about checking into essential oils and supplements. I've gone to Whole Foods for various things before and they always seem knowledgeable. Maybe I'll do some research and go talk to them too. Those are about the only 2 things I haven't tried in my life. I just think it's so weird that I've been completely off the antidepressants for a few months now and I STILL want to eat everything in sight. If I ever have another baby, I don't care if I get depressed. I will never go on those meds again. EVER!

    I totally understand the rage bit too. It comes out of nowhere and before you know it, you're screaming and sobbing and completely a mess.