Your first kiss came from the person above you



  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    @Iron - I'd probably just lay there and squeeze his arms for awhile.

    yeah.. arms.
  • knip1
    knip1 Posts: 31
    @ knip tam & kay & sig- Oh I do love Sundays come here girls & get your daily dose of Iron ;p lol

    I don't think you could keep up with my daily dose of Iron. hehehe. LOL.
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    Haha - Do I look like someone afraid of a challenge? ;p

    @kinda - lol, just loved the way your post just drifted to yeah...arms at the bottom
  • knip1
    knip1 Posts: 31
    Haha - Do I look like someone afraid of a challenge? ;p

    @kinda - lol, just loved the way your post just drifted to yeah...arms at the bottom

    LOL....Wouldn't I like to know.
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    Besides, daily is just too infrequent. Hourly, now we're getting warmer ;)
  • I probably was held up against the prison bars and forced
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    LMAO@sonny I have seen that before worked in prison for 10 years seen that enough times...LOL
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    Forced? Mother****ah you said you liked that ****! Now I'm gonna break you just to prove a point haha
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    maybe he likes to be manhandled..LMAO
  • Haha Well I'm physically overpowered what am I supposed to do? And the cops won't do anything lol
  • I wouldn't complain. It wouldn't be in a prison either lol
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    @Kay- I'd ask for more tongue
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I'd tweet/blog/etc. about it...
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    oh hell no that we be a fight and a half
  • @Kay a nice lake not prison :)
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    @ Sonny -By a lake? How quaint lol You clearly don't know Kay. But I do ;p

    Right, time to bite down on those bars son
  • (Bites down on bars,chews bars and swallows it.Escapes the prison)Freeeddoom!!!
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    @Sonny - I'd check my lips/tongue for blood - you just look like a biter
  • (Checks lips)I'm good :)
  • Boys boys boys.. Ill take both at the sane time in a prison or lake whichever lol

    @kimda - right back at you :)
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    Escape? I let you go & don't you forget it. And you'll never be free of those scars brother. Everytime time you sit down will be a reminder haha Ah fun times eh
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    @ Kay - Hehee that's my girl ;p
  • @Ironaddict86 you can do that to me,please will you? We're both guys I'd love that
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    Not actually gay..........................until I saw you!
  • @MrGriffith64 Are you serious or joking???
  • I'm serious,Id love thos big arms to get me yuuuum let's do this
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    You jelly? GET BACK IN YOUR CELL!
  • He is jelly,do you think people on this forum know we're gay for eachother now?
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    Dude is like a bald Agent Smith, how can I say no? Bullet time for you! Time to get your daily dose of Iron Mr Suit & Tie. Kay? Fancy lending a hand or two, it's not gay if it's a threeway