I hate the scale

Some people have no problem hoping on their scales each morning or even once a week. I try to avoid mine like it's the plague. I realize that as we get older it gets more difficult to lose weight. But I think for women it's worse. All these crazy hormones!
I turned 50 this past December. My goal was to lose 1 pound on my new weight loss plan before my 50th birthday. I lost 5! That sounds great but I was scared to death to step on that scale.
I know what I eat. I know there are times when I'm stressed and that bag of gummy bears are calling my name. I've gotten to the place that if I do buy candy - I eat some at home and take the rest into work for everyone else to eat.
Some people say you should only weigh once a month. I think I could get behind that. But is that realistic and then do you start dividing 4 or 5 into the amount of weight you lost? What happens when you maintained - does that mean you have plateaued and are stuck on the precipice?
If society stopped making the scale so important, I'd probably stop fearing it so much. I never feared it when I was growing up or even in my 20's. Since I hit my 40's I've been scared to death of it. I fear I will never get down to the weight I want to be.
I know logging what I eat on MFP and trying to eat as clean as possible while exercising will all help. But motivation when I get home is so sparse. I don't have a buddy to exercise with. I can't afford a coach. My best friend is my dog and all he wants to do when I take him out is smell any and everything! We can't get 10 steps before he's stopped and smelling or something else.
Why do I or anyone else hate the scale?
I mean am I alone in this? And for all of you who want to say oh, just suck it up and deal - please. I'm not in the mood.
I've had a love hate relationship with the scale as I've said since I turned 40. My yo-yo diet and stress levels have hit some all new heights. So when I have to live my life based on constant numbers - it is just one more thing that dictates how much I can be happy.
I don't want to hate the scale. But I do want to be comfortable in my skin. I'm just saying.


  • bulk_n_cut
    bulk_n_cut Posts: 389 Member
    was there a point you were trying to make, or just rambling?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Don't just follow what the scale says. Take body measurements every so often. Take before/after pictures. Pay attention to how your clothes fit. All of these are indicators of your progress.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    err its just data. Scale has been my most useful tool, would you like to ban all scales? kitchen and bathroom?
    Its not society that gives it power its you.

    You need a rethink in your mindset, if you want to lose the weight then learn how to do it plus learn how to motivate yourself to just moderate your eating. Losing weight can be quite liberating as can getting fitter and healthier.

  • runmama411
    runmama411 Posts: 162 Member
    So don't get on the scale. Use measurements or other indicators like how your clothes fit or physical things you couldn't do-but now can, etc. The scale only measures the pull of gravity on your frame. If you hate it, toss it. :) Liberation is lovely!
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    Blaming the messenger. Generally speaking, not a worthwhile course of action.
  • ciacyrus29
    ciacyrus29 Posts: 109 Member
    was there a point you were trying to make, or just rambling?

    Both. I think I stated it - I hate the scale.
  • ciacyrus29
    ciacyrus29 Posts: 109 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    err its just data. Scale has been my most useful tool, would you like to ban all scales? kitchen and bathroom?
    Its not society that gives it power its you.


    No I don't think we should ban all scales. I think scales have their place. I think for some people it helps them. There are times it motivates me and other times it does.

    Part of what you're saying is true - I do give it power but perhaps its the media that I meant instead of society. So I am corrected.
  • ciacyrus29
    ciacyrus29 Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you everyone for your posts. I do have to find alternative ways to love who I am and enjoy the process of losing weight. I agree if the scale is not my thing then find other avenues/ways to see the results I seek.

    My intention for this thread was simply to voice my fear and hate of the scale - if you didn't pick that up - sorry. But I wanted to get other's feedback on if they felt the same way. Was there other ways to get over this hatred and fear and I got that from so many of you. So thank you.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My scale likes to fight with me. I tell it to shut up and then go look at my measurements which are always more pleasing.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,424 Member
    It took months before I stopped gritting my teeth before getting on the scale even though I was losing weight. I was scared to see the result. I feel okay about the scale now even if some weeks I don't lose. I know I have made a lot of progress for me and am better off no matter if the scale does not move. I don't think I would've gotten over it if I had stopped weighing myself.

    A scale number is one way to set a goal and measure progress. If you set a scale based goal you will have to check a scale at some point to see if you have made progress. You might choose daily, weekly, monthly or every 3 months but it will still be part of your life. Don't set a scale goal if you don't want to weigh yourself ever.
    You could go by a change in body measurements instead or the way your clothes fit or monthly progress photos.
    You could choose another health goal to focus on.
    You could set a nutrition goal. Maybe you want to log everything every day for a month or reduce/eliminate some food or drink or add more servings of vegetables to your day.
    You could set a fitness goal. Maybe you want to increase your miles walked each week or lift heavier things or move faster or just exercise regularly. Maybe you just notice how much easier a workout is, that you have more energy, can bend over to touch your toes.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If losing weight is your only goal, then the scale is going to rule you. I really believe that the only way to take power away from it is to set goals besides simply weight loss. @Lounmoun made a nice list for you.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    I know I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, when I don't weigh. It's like burying my head in the sand....nevermind how tight the jeans are getting....if I'm not SEEING the number rise, I can pretend it's not. I am weighing daily again, just like logging my food. I have to. It keeps me honest and on track.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    It's just a tool to measure your progress and provide data. It also happens to provide the closest thing to real-time data for me both while I was losing and now I'm maintaining. It's not perfect, but it takes weeks for poor habits to show up visibly or in tighter clothing whereas the scale will indicate the same in days, allowing me to take corrective action more quickly.

    Any trepidation, guilt or fear I might feel before I step on it, are usually because I might feel I've let myself down in some way. In other words, I've been fooling myself that I can stuff my face, drink multiple cocktails and get away with it.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ciacyrus29 wrote: »
    If society stopped making the scale so important, I'd probably stop fearing it so much.

    This is not "society('s)" fault so lets just stop this trainwreck right here.

    You have a problem with honesty about your weight - you prefer avoidance and denial. Another poster above said it: Sticking the head in the sand (paraphrased). It helps nothing.


    The fix starts with not blaming others for your problem(s), right?

    Weight loss starts and ends with honesty.


  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Weight loss starts and ends with honesty.

    Agreed. Avoiding the scale just allows you to continue with your denial about where you are now.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    KaysKidz wrote: »
    I know I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing, when I don't weigh. It's like burying my head in the sand....nevermind how tight the jeans are getting....if I'm not SEEING the number rise, I can pretend it's not. I am weighing daily again, just like logging my food. I have to. It keeps me honest and on track.


  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    About this dog.... you need to be the boss. If he's stopping too often correct the behavior. Mine did that a lot when we started walking for exercise. Now he keeps up most of the time and a jersey of the leash corrects it when he lags.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    ciacyrus29 wrote: »
    If society stopped making the scale so important, I'd probably stop fearing it so much.

    This is not "society('s)" fault so lets just stop this trainwreck right here.

    You have a problem with honesty about your weight - you prefer avoidance and denial. Another poster above said it: Sticking the head in the sand (paraphrased). It helps nothing.


    The fix starts with not blaming others for your problem(s), right?

    Weight loss starts and ends with honesty.



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I've lost a whole 2lbs in the last 6 weeks. My scale refuses to budge!! However my once skin tight jeans have gotten too loose over this same time period. I'm losing inches hand over fist but the scales haven't quite caught up yet..
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    Your scale is not the enemy, your fear of it is somewhat out of proportion. It sucks being over 50 and trying to lose weight. I use to be able to drop 10-15 lbs so easily now it takes forever and even more work to keep it off.

    Set yourself smaller goals, go for those non scale victories, pants are looser, shirt buttons not popping open, eat healthier etc. If you dont want to weigh in every week dont go 2 or even 3 weeks

    Your dog is your best friend and coach, teach him the on-by command the 1st 10-15 minutes of your walks are his to do his business,sniff,strut and squirrel after that if he stops you keep moving he'll get the message. I walk 2 huskies 2-3 miles twice a day we are usually back home in less than an hour. My next milestone is to get it down to under 15 minutes to walk a mile, they can handle it, me not so much lol