Do you eat all your suggested calories?



  • vchan000
    vchan000 Posts: 38 Member
    I eat to within about 100-200 calories of my every day goal, and if I've exercised that day I eat about half to 3/4s the calories MFP says I've burned if I'm hungry. If I'm not feeling hungry or it's less than a couple hours until bedtime, I leave the exercise calories on the table.

    My meals are generally planned about the daily non exercise calorie limit and I make up the difference if needed with snacks.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Yes unless I am sick I eat to my limit. I usually exercise and eat a portion of the exercise calories back.
    My goal is 1270 which is not a lot for most people since 1200 is usually the minimum reccomended amount. I would consider eating above 1800 to 2000 calories to be a lot for me.
    What is a lot of calories for you?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    One of my favorite quotes - "the trick is not to eat as little as you can. It's to eat as much as you can while still losing weight."
    That's my favorite one to ignore.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    kayfaei wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    kayfaei wrote: »
    I don't eat all of my mfp calories it gave me 2920.. When night time rolls around I usually have 1500 or more still left over. It worries me that I am doing it wrong? Should I be trying to reach 2920 everything? Granted I know before I could easily eat over 2920 in a day just by buying combo meals at fast food places and such..
    But since I'm trying to eat clean and actually consider what I put in my mouth.. I can't reach up to that number cause at the end of the night I'm full.

    All of this stuff is confusing I'm scared that since I'm not in taking the 2920 that Im slowing down the weight I could be losing weekly. And also my excersise that I do definitely does not burn a lot of calories for what I'm in taking for example: yesterday I used about 1600+ of my Calories but I only burned 478 of them while excesising for 23 minutes

    So what weight loss goal did you select?

    Like if 2 lbs weekly, that 2920 is already 1000 below what you burned in the day, and you missed it by another 1500, so eating well under 1/2 what you are burning.
    Body won't like that for long.
    Bigger is not better.

    But, what exercise did you do burning 478 cal in 23 min?
    That's actually very high - so either little to lose and very fit and very intense workout, or a lot to lose and fit and pretty decent workout.

    I'm sorry you lost me a little - the weight loss goal? If you are asking my goal weight I set it to 173. But I a in the very low 400s if that helps.. The excersise I chose always is aerobic general. I use a treadmill and a galzelle or however you spell it
    And sorry op didn't mean to hijack your thread just hope I am doing this correctly

    When you set up your MFP profile, besides a goal weight, you selected a weekly weight loss amount.
    Most select 2 lbs weekly because they want to lose it fast, be it reasonable or not for amount to lose. For you it is.

    That means MFP already has your eating goal 1000 less then it think you burn on non-exercise days.
    And on exercise days when you burn more, you log it and eat more, to keep that same 1000 cal deficit.
    But you are missing your goal by 1500, so you have a 2500 cal deficit, which indeed means you eat less than 1/2 what you burn.

    Now, about what your burn, don't log walking as aerobic general when there is walking in the database - just be honest with the time and pace you went. If you walked 1 hr and 3 miles, then don't log it as 1 hr and 4 mph because you eventually got up to that speed.
    If the gazelle feels like the same level of effort, heart beating, breathing rate, log it the same.
    Those walking/running entries are accurate for calorie burn because they have specific speed with them - aerobic general has no intensity to it - you have no idea if your level matches what it's intended to be for.