Greatly needing motivation and support

About 6 months ago, I started on a clean eating and exercise plan to lose weight. Everything was going great, I was 20lbs down and feeling really proud of myself and suddenly I stopped eating good and exercising. I started back from where I started. I haven't weighed myself because I'm scared to see how much I gained back. I cry when I think about all the progress I've lost. I think one of the reasons I stopped, was because I thought counting calories was very tedious and just took too long having to log everything you ate was just to hard for me I guess. My lazy part was coming out and then eventually I just stopped. I so want to get back on track but I don't know where to start. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time,


  • ciaranicliam
    ciaranicliam Posts: 6 Member
    For me it's just taking one day at a time. You get so busy with life you feel like you don't have time for this. Step one is to turn off the TV or the laptop or put down your phone (those things for me, different for everyone...) and just make yourself do it. After a few days it gets easier and I am never sorry I did it after, just making myself do it is the hard part.

    Add me as a friend of you are looking for a buddy...
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Start by stepping back on the scale.
  • Jblake_2008
    Jblake_2008 Posts: 9 Member
    I only had myself to rely on. I up to 60 days now. I an now feeling like giving up but instead I'm trying to fund more support to help keep me going even though ultimately it's up to me to push myself. Add me if you would like :)
  • lahurrah
    lahurrah Posts: 9
    Movement is the key. The more you move, the better you'll feel and the more motivated you'll be to start watching the intake again. One day at a time. Everyone has setbacks. EVERYONE. It's about picking yourself back up - that's a person's true strength, courage and character. Start today with a short walk or run or whatever it is you may like to do. Get outside if possible Fresh air is the best. Thing about your goals. Don't beat yourself up. You did it once. You can absolutely do it again. Go for it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Haggishare
    Haggishare Posts: 30 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it - I think the main issue here is that you are afraid of getting weighed as this may confirm that you have put on a few pounds since you last weighed yourself.
    What I did is stepped on the scales, but got someone to take my weight - I didn't look at how much I weighed as that would have depressed me (I knew I was piling on the pounds, as my clothes were getting tighter and tighter and there were rolls of fat hanging over, but I just disguised that by wearing bigger tops) also nobody seems to tell you that you have put on weight, but they always tell you that you have lost weight don't they? So I guess I was in denial. Anyway - I got weighed - closed my eyes and they took my weight down.
    A week later I got weighed again - closed my eyes and stepped on the scales again - I lost 5 pound the first week, 4 pound the week after and have been losing a pound or so each week - I still don't know what I actually weigh as I'm still too scared to look, but I keep losing so I'm happy with that. I've lost over two stone so far and feel so much better and healthier for it, but it takes time to come off.
    Get back on track and start feeling good about yourself again
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    First thing you have to do is forgive yourself. You can't change what happened or what you did in the past. All that you can do is learn from it, and try to move forward. I went from 253 down to 210, and then all the way back up to 270 in a year. It was very disheartening, but it's not something I plan on doing again. All we have is time, so try to be positive and work on being optimistic. Good luck.