Who's doing the 5:2 (fast) diet..or is interested in it?

I'm a bit of a geek, so I love the fact that the 5:2 diet (BBC Horizon) has evidence of other health benefits above and beyond losing weight. I'm one week into it & going well, but those 'fast' days are killers! I like to keep things simple but would love to share ideas on surviving those 500 calorie days. I'm also taking part in the research study through University College London...helps keep me on track; I don't want to be the one responsible for screwing-up their data! Send me a friend request & we can survive the fasts together & celebrate our healthier lives & lost flubber!


  • angela233Z
    angela233Z Posts: 312 Member
    cool - tell us more about the study at University College London? is it for 5:2 specifically or dieting in general?
  • slp010982
    slp010982 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting 5:2 diet again this week after a months break. Fast days are a killer aren't they? I find drinking lots of water helps oh & bovril too if I need a hot drink (I'm not a big fan of herbal teas) Good luck with your dieting