how do people get motivated



  • BuffaloChixSalad
    BuffaloChixSalad Posts: 98 Member
    I struggle from day to day to get the motivation to get up but once i do, it isn't so hard. Looking for new friends for support n chats. Add me if you like
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It is different things to different people.

    Sometimes it's a wake up call to take care of themselves, like after a heart attack or stroke, or if a family member has diabetes.

    Having a picture here makes you more connected.

    You also need to find versions of favorite foods that you love. You can't walk around hungry.

    Also, you need to find exercise that you can commit to without hating it. If it's aqua boot camp, Zumba, bellydancing or dog walking - find something that's maintainable for you. If you hate it, you won't do it.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,474 Member
    I got fat once (50 extra pounds) and hated it. I hated how I looked, how I felt, how tired I would get, how my clothes kept getting tighter and tighter, how I felt like I let myself and others down. I also really hated having my stomach push my legs away when clipping toenails. I never want to be like that again.

    I like how I feel when I exercise, I like how I look when I exercise, I like how supportive my family was of my marathon, I like being stronger, healthier and knowing I'll live a longer life, I like being able to do athletic things on a whim. Best of all, I like myself again.

    That's my motivation.
  • milocamolly
    milocamolly Posts: 91 Member
    Change your perspective and you will change your world!
  • pastiche3
    pastiche3 Posts: 3 Member
    RossAH wrote: »
    Unfortunately what works for one may not work for another. For me:
    - I don't want to be embarrassed to go to the water park in the summer
    - I don't want to be embarrassed to take my clothes off when "getting into bed"
    - I don't want my daughter to be ashamed of me when I'm around her friends. I want her friends to see me and be in awe while asking "Is that YOUR dad?"
    - I don't want to die as a result of poor health the way others in my family have
    - I'm tired of being the guy that talks the talk, but always finds an excuse to not walk the walk
    - Diet and exercise have become my foundations. No matter what else happens beyond my control, I can control my eating and my training. Nothing can take those things away from me

    "You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation."

    ~Homer Rice~

    This was really good stuff! Thanks for sharing!
  • jangus9416
    jangus9416 Posts: 69 Member
    As bad as it is, buying things motivates me. Is started with a gym membership that offered classes I liked and was close to home and then bought a water bottle and sports bras that were actually supportive. After about a month I bought myself a new food processor and blender. And my boyfriend just bought me a food scale! He was actually skeptical of me buying things because he wasn't sure I'd stick to it, but I've lost 11-12 lbs and now he's buying me things! Lol I probably sound so high maintenance (I work two jobs)
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    Find something you love to do. For instance, I HATE going to the gym. HATE IT. But I love workout out in the comfort of my own home. Some people hate running, others love playing basketball or soccer. Try to find something active that you actually enjoy doing and then it won't feel so much like a chore.
  • Neyllogem
    Neyllogem Posts: 14 Member
    “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

    ― Tony Robbins

    This is one of my favorite quotes and it's really true for me. I hit rock bottom and I decided that I would rather die than spend one more day living the life I was living. So I decided to change. And I've lost 30 lbs in almost 2 months now. :) You just have to find the reasons why you want to do it and you have to decide to do it.

    Though, I must warn you, motivation will quickly fade and you have to push through that. You have to learn self control and discipline and those are two of the hardest things to learn. Believe in yourself, work your butt off, and you'll achieve whatever it is that you set out to do.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    don't expect it to be easy.
  • Showtime1978
    Showtime1978 Posts: 109 Member
    AlineJames wrote: »
    It sounds like you need to switch it up! Find something you enjoy! Idk if it is your exercise or your diet that is giving you trouble, but try something new.

    Tell people about your plan so that they can hold you accountable.

    Learn more about health and fitness - subscribe to a magazine or follow some trainers through social media for daily inspiration.

    Yes, all of this!
    Also, my IG account is 95% fitness related and my FB account is probably 50%. This keeps me motivated because I see others going after what they want and as silly as it sounds, it makes me feel like I am part of something. If I was just going about this without the support of my own little fitness community that I have built then I definitely wouldn't be where I am today or where I will be in the future.
    It is definitely a lifestyle and not everyone is going to support you. Many in my family think I am being selfish spending so much time "on myself"...well personally I think I deserve it. I like feeling strong and happy and healthy...isn't that the point of living? My daughters get to see a strong independent mother and realize they are free to seek their own strengths.
    I am rambling...but to summarize, you aren't going to get a kick in the a*s of motivation every single time you need to work out or eat within your just have to do it. Dedication will create lasting motivation.

  • suhanisuri
    suhanisuri Posts: 5 Member
    From personal experience, small changes is what helps lead to success. With food cut things out slowly, it takes about 21 days to get use to a change, so once a month change 1 thing that you eat. Before you know it you will see changes. That's one thing that helped me change my eating habits. In terms of exercising, you need to find something you enjoy doing. It can be trial and error. After I had my baby it took me awhile to find something that got me excited, but for me it's going to the gym. For you it could be walking outside, buying a workout dvd and doing it in your living room. There are going to be days where you don't feel like going, which is normal, but if its a constant feeling, what you are doing isnt working for you. Rest days are important, as it gives you a chance to recharge. Don't cut everything out of your life, eat a slice of cake, or pizza or whatever it is. You can't be 'healthy' all the time, and when you dont 'indulge' thats what leads to binge eating.
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks again for the posts! I am seeing that different things do work for different people and thanks to one poster I also now have the oldie song line "It don't come easy, you know it don't come easy..." in my head. I appreciate the input on HOW to change the mindset, it gives me something I can actually try. Also the thing people said would get them going.

    I have worked hard at some things, like my biggest focus with how I grew up was to make sure to NOT become an abuser and also to break the cycle of being attracted to abusive people...I did not know any better and had to learn this was not cool and then how to get out, stay out, and have healthy relationships. I learned how to parent. I went through nursing school and built a career. So I am reminding myself of those things as a way to override the "you can't do this, you are a failure, you are no good" tapes that like to play in my head.

    As to why, as someone asked, well the handwriting on the wall does not look the person who says he saw what his father went through with diabetes. My father had diabetes as did quite a few relatives on his side. I have high blood pressure but it is kept under good control with medications. I want to be able to continue to work as a nurse including moving fast when I need to. I am not overly fond of knee and back pain.

    I expect to have to kick myself in the butt sometimes...but I like the fact that I should pick something I like doing not something I loathe.

    I have started with walking a half hour daily and with this sites calorie suggestions. I am also looking at and for creative ways to make the things I like to be more healthy, also portion control. And oddly as it sounds in some ways I need to eat more....more vegetables for instance! I am going to try the blog recently posted ideas on making my own salad dressings also.

    I am looking to add some things in to this plan once I get this much going.

    Thanks again!

  • goddessheatherr
    goddessheatherr Posts: 38 Member
    I drag my butt every morning to do the little things I do. I lace up my sneaks and just do it. I would honestly rather sleep in but having to take my daughter to the bus stop every morning gives me Mon-Fri no reason not to.. I walk with her instead of drive every day now and after she leaves I do the best I can do with HIIT, jog as much as I can followed by a quick walk until my asthma calms down allowing me to breathe a little bit more, then I jog some more and I do this until I went around a very long block twice. Walking it took me 11 minutes HIIT takes me 8 minutes. Hopefully one day I will be able to just jog all the way around. So even the SMALLEST things you can find to be motivational maybe you just haven't found yours yet.

    I would recommend finding awesome workout music so you can zone out and now worry about people watching you. I have to wear two sports bras and tight ones and they girls still damn near give me a black eye but I still do it. B)
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    I can so relate to the difficulty with the girls being so large....makes it painful to run but I can fast walk at least. I have started walking a half hour daily and I bring someone with me, pick a place that is more nature oriented too. Once that is a habit (in a few weeks) then I will add more.