Losing the baby weight forever!

I recently had a baby boy (8 weeks ago) and finally got the ok from my doctor that I can start exercising :) needing to lose 47 lbs not all of that was put on during pregnancy but that puts me at a healthy weight for my frame. Needing encouragement as I make this LIFESTYLE change so that I can be a healthy mom who can run around with her kids without being winded.


  • Hey I had a baby 6 months ago I used this yrs ago and lost 3 stone I'm just hoping to loose 10 lbs but toning alot in the process give urself small goals at a time. Keep at it ur feel so proud when u reach ur big goal. Add me if u want it's nice to have someone going through it with u
  • annakb84
    annakb84 Posts: 3 Member
    Had my daughter 3 years ago and even though I lost around 20lbs I'm still not back to my pre baby weight! I have around 5-7lbs to loose and also to tone up (I hate exercise!)!
    You can definitely do this! Just give yourself time and don't over do it.