Weight loss issues

I had my son almost six years ago and still weigh about the same as the day I had him. MFP says I should eat about 1600 calories a day. I am choosing to stay between 1200-1400. I will not starve myself! When I was a teenager I would eat maybe once a day. Now I am having issues losing weight. Ty I also learned that my TDEE is 1720. I am eating anywhere between 1200-1400 calories per day. I have not lost any weight. On one day according to my WII Fit said I lost 3 Lbs but then It said I gained it back. I try to exercise at least 3 times ago. Any ideas?????


  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    i don't understand your question. you just answered yourself. mfp told you to eat 1600, your tdee says to eat ~1700, you're eating between 300 and 500 calories less than you're supposed to. of course you're not going to lose weight.

    eat more, work out appropriately, and you'll lose weight.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,407 Member
    Your not a teen anymore either. Time to think like an adult.
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    i don't understand your question. you just answered yourself. mfp told you to eat 1600, your tdee says to eat ~1700, you're eating between 300 and 500 calories less than you're supposed to. of course you're not going to lose weight.

    eat more, work out appropriately, and you'll lose weight.

    well...this is interesting!!!
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    i don't understand your question. you just answered yourself. mfp told you to eat 1600, your tdee says to eat ~1700, you're eating between 300 and 500 calories less than you're supposed to. of course you're not going to lose weight.
    eat more, work out appropriately, and you'll lose weight.
    well...this is interesting!!!
    what is?
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    i don't understand your question. you just answered yourself. mfp told you to eat 1600, your tdee says to eat ~1700, you're eating between 300 and 500 calories less than you're supposed to. of course you're not going to lose weight.

    eat more, work out appropriately, and you'll lose weight.

    Exactly this.

    Of course, all kinds of factors influence one's weight besides calories, such as type and intensity of exercise, water retention, etc., but these things as well as how much you eat can be easily corrected. Log what you weight and eat everyday. When you step on the scale in the morning, adjust your food plan for the day. Do you weigh more than what you had planned for? Eat less (or walk longer outside). Do you weigh a lot more one morning? Call it water retention and take care of your sodium and carbs… And no do not tell yourself that it is probably muscle weight! Do you weigh less than what my plan prescribed? Eat more! A helluva lot more!

    My progress for this year? Over the first three months I weighed averagely 62.4 kilos while I ate 2160 calories. Over the last three months I had upped the calories to an average of 2477 making me weigh 61.2! No big change of activity level there.

    Just a plain and simple method, called: HAVE WEIGHT GOALS! That's the most important key of success. But don't exaggerate. Don't go too fast. 50 grams a day is reasonable. That's more than a half a pound per week! That's almost twenty kilos a year!
    Lost 100 grams or more in a day? EAT MORE! In this way you'll be able to, over time, eat more and lose more rather than starve yourself and be put on the anorectic waiting list or demolish your metabolic system.

    Along with having weight goals I have learned from a few trials and errors, which all in all moved that six-pack in the fridge to a six-pack on my abdomen...

    A: What didn't work:
    1. A 1200 calorie plan. Calculate your BMI and TDEE and - when trying to lose - keep a 10 per cent deficit.
    2. MIRACLE PILLS and the sort. Stop dreaming and save your money. I've tried them last year. They DON'T work.
    3. SO-CALLED HEALTHY FOODS or CLEAN EATING: organic vegetables, fish oil, avocado's and whatnot… You might as well take a multi-vitamin pill or two. But even those are not essential if you eat 'normal' for the rest.
    4. TOO MUCH CARDIO. Yes, you will lose and see direct results. But the weight IS always coming back, and there's nothing you can do about it!
    5. OVERTRAINING. No need to go to the gym 5, 6 or 7 times a week. 3 times is plenty, as long as you have a program and stick to it.
    6. ISOLATION EXERCISES. They're pretty useless.
    7. WORRYING ABOUT NOT LOSING. It's counter effective.
    8. STAYING AWAY FROM KFC. There's nothing wrong with junk food now and then. I always go to McDonalds on busy days, having two chicken wraps and a strawberry sundae. I take it easy on the fries and the cola. But it's a fun place for the kid, and I just have fun along!

    B. What did work:
    1. STRENGTH TRAINING 2 or 3 times a week. Personally, I love the New Rules of Lifting because it never gets boring and focusses on core strength. No isolation exercises.
    2. HIGH PROTEIN, NORMAL FAT, LOW CARBS. Works very well for me.
    3. WEIGHING YOURSELF ONCE A DAY. Do it at a set time, say after the first bathroom visit in the morning. Adjust your calorie intake according to what your scale tells you.
    4. EATING THE SAME EVERY DAY. It's super easy. Once you've found what works for you , stick to it, especially if it's delicious (for me, that would be the chicken curry)! The more people in your home will make it less easy, but just hold ground!
    5. A KITCHEN SCALE. Weigh those portions!
    6. CALORIE LOGGING and weight logging. Don't skip a day!
    7. LONG WALKS, PAINTING THE WALLS, HOUSEWORK… That last one makes the wife happy and keeps you from unhealthy other stuff, like worrying about dieting for example. Come on, be a (house) man! You can do it, too!

    C. What might have worked...
    1. PROTEIN SHAKES. Love them.
    2. CURRY CHICKEN. That's my miracle pill right there.
    3. DARK CHOCOLATE OR ICE CREAM. Always boosts my metabolism.
    4. RED WINE. 1 glass a day (okay okay, sometimes 2…) Good for stress relief (see point A7)
    5. HIIT. I don't do hit anymore since I'm trying to maintain weight, but last year the weight flew off with Insanity. You can't do it for too long, though, because your body gets used to it. But I guess, for a quick fix it's okay.

    Here's a diagram of my weight and calorie intake from January 1 till now. It shows you what I mean if I say: eat more, weigh less…


    Bonne chance!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Also on the part about your weight changing.... weight can fluctuate throughout the day. The best time to weight is first thing in the morning, after you use the bathroom, with minimum cloths on, and right before you eat/drink anything :) If you consistently weight on the same conditions, you should get more accurate results.

    Notice I said SHOULD. There are other factors as well. For example I find I weight more the morning after I do a lot of strength training. Also during my period (and a few days before) I can weight up to 5 lbs more! But then it's gone again after :)