Anybody in South Tyneside?

Hi :)

I moved last year from Wigan in the North West of England to Jarrow in the North East to be with my boyfriend.

Before I moved I was using the website & app religiously. While I was still a huge way off my goal it was going in the right direction and I was losing every week.

Since moving, it has all gone downhill fitness wise.

I stopped using it mainly because my boyfriend cooks everything from scratch and it makes it difficult to judge calories. However, this became an excuse to fall back into my old habits.

I've become a lazy over-eater once again and it's really starting to get to me, but I have no friends here that understand.

I can't afford to go to the gym and find it easy to continually tell myself I'll "start tomorrow" as I have nobody to join me on my mission, and feel it will go un-noticed.

Basically, I'm writing this with the slight hope that there will be somebody, anybody on here that lives remotely close-by that also needs a kick up the bum and would want a health partner!

Sorry for the massive life story,

Becki x