help I'm stuck!

This may sound a bit stupid.. but I'd like a few opinions on the best way to loose weight.. obviously I understand you need to eat healthy and excerice..

I had a baby and went so huge, so i went on a diet a while back and lost 2 stone...
I've decided to try and get a 'beach body" before my hoildays lol... so I've been doing a similar diet as before I've been eating less calories than i should not by hundreds or anything & doing a lot of cardio. but nothing is working i'm just over 9 half stone and im stuck!! Any help?


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Have you read the stickied threads in this forum? There's lots of great information in them, I suggest you start there. tl;dr: eat the calorie goal MFP has given you and you'll lose weight.
  • LSNC81
    LSNC81 Posts: 10
    Have you read the stickied threads in this forum? There's lots of great information in them, I suggest you start there. tl;dr: eat the calorie goal MFP has given you and you'll lose weight.

    No ive not seen them..I'll look for them now :) thanks
  • lesliewalker108
    lesliewalker108 Posts: 61 Member
    edited April 2015
    I"m no expert , but Im 46 will be 47 tomorrow and Ive been dieting all my life. But it seems the only things that works for me is when I (1.) keep a diary on everything I eat (thank god for fitness pal) and (2) eating prepared meals ( weight watchers, lean crusine etc). Also tuna fish(in water albacore) on a sandwich thin (with lettuce). And three tiny snacks for example oikos triple zero or a weight watchers ice cream snack etc. I know its best to cook , but quess what? I cant keep track when I cook except if its a turkey burger on a sandwich thin (with lettuce) etc. So for now It might seem like prepared frozen meals are not good and cooking is best, but that simply doesnt work for me. And I remember being 18 and losing 30 pounds in 3 months and working out with Jane fonda using this type of method(food diary) and it worked.Fast forward " whats old is new again" And now the pounds are kinda of falling off ( 2-3 week) with exercise at least 4-5 days a week over 35 minutes(elliptical ,bike , treadmill). And also when I buy my meals(weight watchers ,lean crusine etc) I buy about $20-$30 dollars worth when they are on sale for$1.99 ,$1.88 for each super market has these on sale every week. Like shoprite this week has the select smart ones weight watchers on sale for $1.88 and then watch next week it will be Lean cruisine it never fails. Also I dont deprive my self too bad ,and eat a slice of pizza once every couple of days and take my time and enjoy it. And if lets I mess up a little ( I'm only human) I make sure I work out and burn atleast 300- 400 calories that day or night. Oh and I dont know if you work , but I leave some food at the frig at work including yogurt, snack etc.
  • LSNC81
    LSNC81 Posts: 10
    edited April 2015
    Thank you @lesliewalker108 :)