Need friends for support & motivation

Hi, I'm Claire! I am 24, 5'5 and 142 lbs. I have lost over 12 lbs with MFP when I started January 1st, but in the past couple months my weight loss has stalled and slowed dramatically. I don't have much more to lose - 7 lbs at most, and some body recomp and toning to do, but I have found myself having a really difficult time lately staying motivated and feeling good. At first, the weight came off steadily and easily, and I was very motivated and happy with myself, but now it is harder and harder and I find myself frustrated with every fluctuation and the slow process. I know that it is a lifelong and slow process done correctly, and I am ok with losing only 1/2 lb a week at this point, but watching the scale yo-yo as I put in hard work is draining me. Even though I know I am staying within my calorie goal and I exercise extremely hard, I can't help but feel like I am making no progress. If anyone reads this and would like to be MFP friends, please send me a friend request, I really need some support and perhaps tips and advice on my eating and exercise regiment. I will also support you! Thanks :)


  • prettyinpink0989
    prettyinpink0989 Posts: 12 Member
    I know what you mean! Your a bit further in you're journey than i am i still have about 10-15 more to go. Add me we can keep each other motivated and accountable :)
  • kjablinskey
    kjablinskey Posts: 47 Member
    You're really smart to set your goals low, I did the same and I really think it's better that way long term. I lost 45 pounds and it went in plateaus. The first ten came off easy, then slow go for ten, then fast ten, then slow.....

    Keep at it, you'll get there. This app really helps keep you focused and holds you accountable. Change up your routine, if you're running on s treadmill change to running outside (it's a lot more difficult and a better workout in my opinion).

    Good luck!! You've got a great start!