Thought it was time to share with someone



  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS. great accomplishment
  • kazaargrandcru
    kazaargrandcru Posts: 152 Member
    Wow, so handsome and confident now! Congratulations, that is a tremendous achievement.
  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    SUCH a change! I agree it'll probably just take your mind some time to get used to the fact that you are different, since it's been such a gradual change. I saw a post someone else put on here that talked about how she FINALLY had that "click" months after reaching her goal. Congrats on your transformation!
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    Nice job :)
  • astgte
    astgte Posts: 81 Member
    Biggest problem is its costing me a fortune in new wardrobe, all old clothes have been donated, a couple of workmates ive motivated completely by accident, I certainly didnt set out to to getting them making a change, well ive been giving them my shirts that ive bought and only worn maybe once or twice as my weight seemed to fall off. Ive a suit hanging in my wardrobe now thats useless, worn once, the trousers are far too big and the jacket is at least 4 inches to big, that was neat in october! But would I want to go back to it fitting, well no thanks if possible :smiley:
  • annaheyoolay
    annaheyoolay Posts: 100 Member
    Huge difference! Congrats!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Amazing work!
  • janisvin
    janisvin Posts: 72 Member
    You look phenomenal!
    Way to go! Yes, it's a process getting to know yourself this way. Enjoy, and thank you for sharing.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Such a difference! Give yourself time to get to know the new you. He's going to be around for the rest of your life so enjoy getting to know him.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    It is interesting how we can see ourselves differently than we really appear. It works both ways..many of us think we don't look that bad and then see ourselves in an unexpected reflection or picture and get a wake up call that we are overweight.
    You look great and have done such hard work to get healthy. I suggest making sure you see yourself in a full length mirror everyday. I'd also continue weighing yourself..because the scale doesn't lie and that will keep you in check. IN time.. you will see your new healthy body as you. Congrats!!!
  • astgte
    astgte Posts: 81 Member
    Just to continue on a bit. I had a doctors appointment today, just an injection for carpel tunnel syndrome ive had for quite some time and in the surgery he was talking to his nurse and general conversation as he was getting prepped for doing it. He was talking about his wife and how she isnt into exercise, id just come from the gym and joined into the conversation, we chatted for a while and it just seemed right to mention my weight loss, I dont boast about it, I dont stick it in peoples faces, its just something ive done and im quite pleased with my results. Both him and the nurse said, nahhh, you wernt that big and I produced on my phone the picture above, both asked who it was, both stood there with mouths open when I said me. The doctor then said he'd never have believed it, as when I came into the office, all he saw was a slim man standing in front of him. That hit a spot with me, ive never ever been called slim before, not alone from a stranger. It really made my day/week/month :smiley:
  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    Amazing inspiration☺
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    astgte wrote: »
    Just to continue on a bit. I had a doctors appointment today, just an injection for carpel tunnel syndrome ive had for quite some time and in the surgery he was talking to his nurse and general conversation as he was getting prepped for doing it. He was talking about his wife and how she isnt into exercise, id just come from the gym and joined into the conversation, we chatted for a while and it just seemed right to mention my weight loss, I dont boast about it, I dont stick it in peoples faces, its just something ive done and im quite pleased with my results. Both him and the nurse said, nahhh, you wernt that big and I produced on my phone the picture above, both asked who it was, both stood there with mouths open when I said me. The doctor then said he'd never have believed it, as when I came into the office, all he saw was a slim man standing in front of him. That hit a spot with me, ive never ever been called slim before, not alone from a stranger. It really made my day/week/month :smiley:

    A satisfying moment after all your hard work!
  • Whittedo
    Whittedo Posts: 352 Member
    bekim123 wrote: »
    Perhaps the reason you don't see the change when you look in the mirror is because it's such a gradual change. Your image in the mirror today isn't much different than yesterday's image, but in the pictures you're seeing the difference between many days/weeks/years. It's the same as how relatives you live with don't change much, but when you move away and see them months/years later, you notice they have changed.


    The difference is amazing, but too bad that the weight loss made your hair turn grey ;)
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    So impressed with how far you've come and how well you've maintained. I find it hard to see myself as a thinner person too. I agree, it's hard to go to a store and purchase Mediums when you're used to XLs. I still question myself when I pull a Medium off the rack to go try it on. Just know that everyone on the outside is seeing you as a healthy and fit person. Keep reminding yourself of that each day :)
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    looks like all of your hard work and dedication paid off. You should really be proud of yourself. You have an adorable little child, too, and I'm sure you are a lot more healthy! Way to go!
  • AngeBee18
    AngeBee18 Posts: 180 Member
    Wow. Congratulations on your amazing achievement! it's an amazing transformation, and I can see why your doctor didn't believe you! You do just look like a tall, slim man :)

    I agree with the self perception thing. The gradual change makes it so hard to see and mentally process the changes. I gave myself a shock the other day at work when I was walking towards a glass walled meeting room and saw my slim reflection walking towards me. It took me more we than a few seconds to realise that it was really me...
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Even more impressive than the Simpsons sand sculpture behind you in the first photo, lol. Well done, you look great!
  • astgte
    astgte Posts: 81 Member
    Whittedo wrote: »
    bekim123 wrote: »
    Perhaps the reason you don't see the change when you look in the mirror is because it's such a gradual change. Your image in the mirror today isn't much different than yesterday's image, but in the pictures you're seeing the difference between many days/weeks/years. It's the same as how relatives you live with don't change much, but when you move away and see them months/years later, you notice they have changed.


    The difference is amazing, but too bad that the weight loss made your hair turn grey ;)

    Me, grey hair, I dont know what youre talking about ;)
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
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