But but but but HOW?

Hello MFPers :-)

Come along to join you after a nasty shock (was 145lbs, climbed on scale expecting 165lbs, got 199lbs instead) and a bit of a cry.

But now that's over with, I'm ready to get healthy.

Or hide behind the sofa so no one can ever see me again. Either works.


  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    I tried the hiding. The dust bunnies are awfully nice. <3
  • Mary0519
    Mary0519 Posts: 9 Member
    You both are too funny! I remember 145lbs....and 165lbs, from there it gets ugly.
    Add me as a friend if you want. I have found that MFP is really helpful no matter what diet you follow, there are folks who share the same frustrations. When I get really bothered about something I vent on my home page and I get good advice from others. : ) I also found that you have to go with the ebb and flow, there will be bad days and there are really good days, just got to stick with it.
  • harihat
    harihat Posts: 3
    I am really glad to have people on the same page. However often people tell me that the superfit gym bunnies are nice, non judgemental people, they still scare me. *hides behind sofa*