20 year old female looking for motivation and support

Only 7lbs to loose! Looking for some friends for motivation!


  • cinslee87
    cinslee87 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! You got this! 7lbs can be accomplished within like a month! If you want my motivation just let me know! I need a buddy to keep me on track.
  • kerriesu
    kerriesu Posts: 7
    Thanks! This app is recommending 1400cals a day which is making me nervous as it's quite a lot!! Xx
  • cinslee87
    cinslee87 Posts: 3 Member
    Mine shows 1640 because I don't exercise enough. I would go online and check a more detailed calculator to help with more personalized details in which you can adjust the recommendeddaily calories in this app. In my research it is best to not go over 1lb/wk (3500cal) so like a deficit of 500cal per day of your normal maintain amount!
  • VictoriaPisula
    Go check out the Shredz alpha female stack. It's made for people who need to lose a lot and need a jump start, or people who are looking to lose that last little bit they're struggling with! My good friend Andrea takes it and I just ordered the fat burner. Wish I had the money for the whole alpha female stack! Just go to shredz.com
  • kerriesu
    kerriesu Posts: 7
    Thanks will do! I'm 112lbs but only want to loose 7 more! I hardly ever exorcise as I'm soo busy but I will try to start!! Xx
  • cinslee87
    cinslee87 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like a scheme. Don't buy stuff that's not healthy for your body if you just work hard you don't need to buy into that with only 7lbs left to lose
  • kerriesu
    kerriesu Posts: 7
    Sorry that was a reply to your post! I can do the 7lbs without buying I to anything new! Hopefully a month of hard work will take me there! :)
  • BronteKateW
    BronteKateW Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it :smile: you will definitely Be able to lose that last few kilos. :)