College girl needs to manage stress eating

Hi everyone! So I'm looking for just a few friends because I really want to encourage/be encouraged by other people maybe in my situation. My weight is slowly creeping up and it's 100% due to my diet since I exercise pretty consistantly. I would love to find another girl struggling with stress eating so we could support each other to reach our goals! Thanks!


  • ashleylabreck
    ashleylabreck Posts: 4 Member
    So, I just wanted to say.. you aren't alone!! I might not be my first time in college, but I sure can tell you this second time around, even though I'm only 25.. is just as stressful... and to top that, I have a huge sweet tooth!

    So hey, if you are looking for some more friends and encouragement, pick me! I could use it just as much. I just decided today I need to crack back down and focus.. like you said, I know HOW to eat but just not determined to do so. And hey, who doesn't want to look and feel better?

    Add me if you want!! I could use some more friends as well.
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi there,
    I'm a student too, and I totally understand the urge to eat when you're stressed. Some things that have helped me deal with this problem so far:
    - Replacing stress eating with healthier habits (I found that even just getting up and walking around a little seems to help clear my head)
    - When I get the urge to snack, I have diet caffeine-free soda available...and lots of gum.
    - Pre-logging each day's food in MFP helps me to know what snacks I can have during the day, so I know what low-calorie options I can choose. This makes it clear to me that it's worthwhile to avoid snacking unnecessarily because I know how much the calories add up.

    Overall, I think that simply being mindful of eating is the biggest change that has helped me - it can help you to reduce your calories (to lose weight etc.) but also to notice when you are reaching for food for reasons other than hunger (so that you can deal with your stress in a more productive way). Good luck with meeting your goals :)
  • TheJenProject
    TheJenProject Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, I'm also 25 and know a lot about struggling with stress and emotional eating! I've put on about 15 pounds in the past year and can't seem to lose a pound. I try to be as active as I can but feel like I struggle with my diet! I do well during the week and lose 2 pounds and on the weekend a little indulgence and my weight is back up! Definitely looking to find some support people here and would be more then happy to help encourage you!