Bridesmaid progress pics - 17lbs lost so far!

Hi all,
Just wanted to share my progress so far. I have languished at between 185-190lbs for a few years now (I'm 5 ft 10.5 inches tall), and that wasn't changing due to a knee injury in 2013. But I managed to heal and at Christmas I knew I needed to get my *kitten* in gear, because I will be a bridesmaid in August. My goal weight is around 150lbs.
Just yesterday I was huffing and puffing on the Stairmaster and wanting to give up, but getting on the scales today and trying on the same dress as I photographed myself in (in tears) in December 2013 (which is the same weight I was when I started my new lifestyle in January 2015, 189lbs) I want to just keep on going now!

I think owning up to the fact that weights can be a girl's best friend has really helped and changed my fitness outlook and although I'm not using MFP as much as I should, I'm working with a trainer and eating a lot at her salad bar too, so I'm avoiding bad habits.

When I'm on my own at the gym, I'm using the Stairmaster (to get my heart racing and fell the burn in my quads, glutes, etc) and I've been doing a lot of arm work with weights and resistance training. I am also ok with knowing that I can't rely too much on what the scales say, because I want to build muscle and tone up, and the biggest indicator that that is working is a measuring tape/clothes. As a big-boobed girl, I can definitely say it has been a joy to see them go down in size a little bit, just makes wearing certain clothes far more comfortable!

Basically, STICK WITH THIS. We can all do it if we put our minds to it and that first little glint of success will motivate you to keep on keeping on!

The first pic is December 2013, but is the same weight I was in January of this year, at 189lbs.
The second is today, at 171.9lbs.


