Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone I hope you are all well:)
My name is Justyn Kingston~anyone else here from Southern California?
Anyway, I used to be so absolutely self conscious about my body and the way that I looked and actually just self conscious in general. Then I read in Psalm 139 when David writes this: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works oh Lord, and this my soul knows very well" (vs 14).
I have brothers and sisters and I am the oldest in the house...and I just want to be an example to them. And to other people as well.
We all struggle and it isn't wrong to be self conscious or to not think of yourself "enough" whether it be good enough or strong enough or smart enough or...you fill in the blank.
But it's how we cope with it and how we go about-and I choose to better myself and prove to my siblings and to others that you CAN accomplish your goals and dreams no matter how crazy or out of reach they may seem:)
If you're reading this, I just want to say that you, yes you reading this right now, CAN accomplish your goals and your dreams.

It will be hard.
It will take work.
It will take dedication.
You will want to quit at times...
You will want to throw in the towel...
But don't-
Because it WILL be worth it.
These past few months I have been working hard and now I am cracking down on being even more strict with my diet and workout schedule...and I know, it will be worth it.
Like I said, it'll be hard and have its fair challenges, but the reward is absolutely worth it.
Dare to commit?
Come with me on this journey:)


  • latin323
    latin323 Posts: 2 Member
    This is great! I work in Pasadena, and I work out in Alhmabra. Keep it up!
  • adam4eyes
    adam4eyes Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome! Long Beach CA here, not giving up!