I Need Motivation

Hey MFP! I'm new here so before i knew about this website i already started my goal and i lost 4lbs in a week, i was very impressed with myself as i always crave the bad foods and i have been doing well so far and i want to make this change , i want this to be the new me. Healthy , active and not obese but i am so tempted these days i'm not sure what to do.
I'd really like some motivational tips and how i can keep pursuing this goal of mine.


xxxNassy xxx

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  • RavenNoire
    RavenNoire Posts: 11 Member
    I hear you about being motivated. Some days are definitely easy and other days are a struggle. I am new to this site and forum feel free to add me. I am looking to be motivated when I need it and motivate as needed. I am currently at a gym but hike and cycle on weekends. Are you going to a gym? Or doing fitness videos, or other activities? Is there a particular area you struggle in?
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Keep in mind that diet (what you choose to eat) is 85-90% of wt. loss and maintenance. Get a good eating plan, that you can live with and adjust as you lose wt. and as you see what your Body needs. Do NOT get hung up on a lot of exercise, do enough to firm as you lose wt, but avoid all of these crazy workout routines. They will have you tired and beat-up and HUNGRY. Remember: If you feel bad on a day, and need to "mess-up" dump the workout, don't binge. Long, hard hours in the gym can not cover up bad eating habits. Don't be to hard on yourself, treat yourself now and then, but PLAN IT. Be Patient with yourself, kind to yourself and remember that your Body has a mind of its own (all the math and science means nothing, it will lose at its own pace. Your job is to just eat right).

    As far as motivation...that's on YOU. No one can follow you around being your cheerleader or Coach, you have to do that for yourself.

    I wish you all !the best!

    ETA: There are also different Groups you may want to join (in the Group Tab). Also, avoid a lot of the "Gurus"...learn your own Body.
  • traumaticthrash
    you need a plan.. and I think this site offers something which can help. start logging down all your food, analyse it after a week and see which areas you can further improve.

    arrange your diet plan first then focus on the gym. as the guy above mentioned, its all about getting into a good habit.
    and yes, no foods are bad.. make healthy eating a habit and the odd burger a nice little treat :)