Running 5K tomorrow, what and when to eat?



  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    It's a 5k - there shouldn't be any "fueling" concerns even for those who are slower. Eat what you normally would eat ahead of it.

    Personally if it is a morning thing I wouldn't bother eating anything at all, but I run 5ks fast enough to puke on the finish line, so I prefer if I have nothing in there ;)
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    you will get lots of answers here... For me, I eat nothing the day of event. I ran my half marathon on an empty stomach. The night before, I tackle some grilled chicken, rice and macaroni :) I like carbs :)

    Keep in mind, you will have at least one water stop in a 5k which should have some gatorade or similar drink for refueling.

    What? I've never seen a water stop in a 5k. In fact most people don't even need water during a 5k race, certainly not Gatorade.

    That said if it does have a water stop with a drink you've never had before - DON'T drink it. you have no idea how you will react to it.

    really? I see them all the time.

    Maybe it's a country thing as I'm in the UK. Water after - yep but never during, who'd want to waste 30 seconds pausing for water in a 5k. Every second counts in those evil things.

    I dont think the UK is as hot and humid as Houston TX. Im usually soaked after every run. Even after a small 5k run.

    Oh, for the record.... I never drink water on my runs, it slows me down. The longest Ive ever ran is a 1/2 marathon. Training for my first full in January and I suppose I will not be able to go without water for this distance though. Im only human :)

    You will need to figure out a fueling strategy for the full. You are probably on the edge with running a half on no fuel or water. A full is a different beast entirely.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I don't run many 5ks, maybe one or two a year. I don't know that I've seen a water station. Maybe they have them and I'm just ignoring them though. Anyway, you certainly don't need gatorade for a 5k, and if you aren't used to drinking it, taking it during the race would be a mistake anyway.

    So just do what you normally do. No need to 'carb load' or anything for a 5k. And if you were going to carb load, the night before is too late to do anything. Eating a huge amount of something you're not used to will just lead to stomach problems.

    Not till after about 10 miles so you're probably good for a 5k.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    you will get lots of answers here... For me, I eat nothing the day of event. I ran my half marathon on an empty stomach. The night before, I tackle some grilled chicken, rice and macaroni :) I like carbs :)

    Keep in mind, you will have at least one water stop in a 5k which should have some gatorade or similar drink for refueling.

    What? I've never seen a water stop in a 5k. In fact most people don't even need water during a 5k race, certainly not Gatorade.

    That said if it does have a water stop with a drink you've never had before - DON'T drink it. you have no idea how you will react to it.

    really? I see them all the time.

    Maybe it's a country thing as I'm in the UK. Water after - yep but never during, who'd want to waste 30 seconds pausing for water in a 5k. Every second counts in those evil things.

    I dont think the UK is as hot and humid as Houston TX. Im usually soaked after every run. Even after a small 5k run.

    Oh, for the record.... I never drink water on my runs, it slows me down. The longest Ive ever ran is a 1/2 marathon. Training for my first full in January and I suppose I will not be able to go without water for this distance though. Im only human :)

    You will need to figure out a fueling strategy for the full. You are probably on the edge with running a half on no fuel or water. A full is a different beast entirely.

    yes, ive heard the full is a different beast. Gonna have to change it up and see what works best for me.

    Since running on empty for the 1/2 is all ive ever known while training, its actually not that hard for me. It did help that my long runs and actual race were in the winter.... so it was pleasant.

    Ok, enough about me, dont want to hijack OP :)
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    you will get lots of answers here... For me, I eat nothing the day of event. I ran my half marathon on an empty stomach. The night before, I tackle some grilled chicken, rice and macaroni :) I like carbs :)

    Keep in mind, you will have at least one water stop in a 5k which should have some gatorade or similar drink for refueling.

    Half marathon on an empty stomach?! You are my new hero...
  • roostking1
    roostking1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Really the reason I ask is because I work night shifts, I would be running just after waking up before work, so nothing to eat, just some no-xplode or something like that. For this race, it will be after I work all night so its not really similar. Now I could have my regular 2 eggs and sausage at midnight, then race 8 hours later. I thought maybe I should get something in my stomach for energy?
  • tanowicki
    tanowicki Posts: 60 Member
    I've always seen a water stop around the 3k mark on 5ks. I usually don't stop.

    I don't usually eat before a run but my runs are usually within 15 minutes of waking up. If the 5k is a bit of a drive and you know you're going to be standing around for 1/2 hour prior to the start, I would eat something like toast with peanut butter or a banana. Not too much but enough that you're not hungry when the race starts. Be careful with the coffee...
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    you will get lots of answers here... For me, I eat nothing the day of event. I ran my half marathon on an empty stomach. The night before, I tackle some grilled chicken, rice and macaroni :) I like carbs :)

    Keep in mind, you will have at least one water stop in a 5k which should have some gatorade or similar drink for refueling.

    Half marathon on an empty stomach?! You are my new hero...

    Yeah, the ONE & ONLY time I had food in me during one of my training runs, I got the worst stomach cramps. I think it was an 11 miler. I ate and then ran about 2 hours later. Food was not digested and I felt nauseous when I was done. Never again. It really is different for everyone though. Another friend of mine runs 1/2's on empty as well. She cant do that with the full marathon though. I know I cant.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    roostking1 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice. Really the reason I ask is because I work night shifts, I would be running just after waking up before work, so nothing to eat, just some no-xplode or something like that. For this race, it will be after I work all night so its not really similar. Now I could have my regular 2 eggs and sausage at midnight, then race 8 hours later. I thought maybe I should get something in my stomach for energy?

    Ahh yea - I would definitely eat something during that time frame. What you eat doesn't matter all that much. Whatever you are used to or would normally eat.

    Are you planning to run this balls-to-the-wall? If so I would consider if having something in your stomach might negatively affect your. If you are just there to participate, you should be OK with whatever.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    I don't run many 5ks, maybe one or two a year. I don't know that I've seen a water station. Maybe they have them and I'm just ignoring them though. Anyway, you certainly don't need gatorade for a 5k, and if you aren't used to drinking it, taking it during the race would be a mistake anyway.

    So just do what you normally do. No need to 'carb load' or anything for a 5k. And if you were going to carb load, the night before is too late to do anything. Eating a huge amount of something you're not used to will just lead to stomach problems.

    Not till after about 10 miles so you're probably good for a 5k.

  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    Fettuccine Alfredo + 5k = Fettuccine Al Sidewalk....
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    you will get lots of answers here... For me, I eat nothing the day of event. I ran my half marathon on an empty stomach. The night before, I tackle some grilled chicken, rice and macaroni :) I like carbs :)

    Keep in mind, you will have at least one water stop in a 5k which should have some gatorade or similar drink for refueling.

    What? I've never seen a water stop in a 5k. In fact most people don't even need water during a 5k race, certainly not Gatorade.

    That said if it does have a water stop with a drink you've never had before - DON'T drink it. you have no idea how you will react to it.

    really? I see them all the time.

    Maybe it's a country thing as I'm in the UK. Water after - yep but never during, who'd want to waste 30 seconds pausing for water in a 5k. Every second counts in those evil things.

    I dont think the UK is as hot and humid as Houston TX. Im usually soaked after every run. Even after a small 5k run.

    Oh, for the record.... I never drink water on my runs, it slows me down. The longest Ive ever ran is a 1/2 marathon. Training for my first full in January and I suppose I will not be able to go without water for this distance though. Im only human :)

    In all fun...I don't think you're human. No food before or water during a 1/2? Egad!
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    roostking1 wrote: »
    Hello, I am running a 5k tomorrow and am wondering what to eat to fuel the run and when to eat it. Thank you!

    I run 5km after work quite frequently. I eat a normal lunch, come home, feed the cat, run 5km, then have a normal dinner. If I was running a 5km race in the morning, I'd eat a normal dinner and run the 5km before breakfast. YMMV.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I run 5K before work twice per week in the summer (after work in the winter because it's cool enough). I always run in the mornings on an empty stomach and fuel up after I get to work.

    If you're worried you need something have a little something that's mostly carbs an hour or two before the race to give it time to digest. A banana, a piece of toast, etc. Stick to something you know you don't have problems digesting.

    The time to properly hydrate for a race is starting a few days before. The morning of is too late. All you'd do is waterlog yourself.

    As far as water during a race, your mouth gets dry when the humidity is in single digits or the teens as it is where I live. Every 5K I've run in has had at least one water station, sometimes two. Half and full marathons there's one almost every mile. If where you live is more humid it may not be a concern. If you run fast enough that you're finishing a 5K in under 20 minutes it may not matter to you, either. I'll often carry my own water bottle on my running belt so I don't need to stop or deal with the crowding around the water cups.
  • roostking1
    roostking1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the responses and a quick update. I ended up having some work to do, so no chance to eat, but come to find out, it was a 3K run lol. I didnt know this until I saw the finish line and was pretty disappointed that I was mentally prepared for a 5K. I ran hard the first 1.2 miles then kind of slowed down a bit to get ready to run hard the last mile, but as soon as I came around a turn, there was the finish line! So I'm going to do this again this Friday and get a more realistic time, as I did the 1.7 miles in 15:38. Could have been much faster...

    Thanks again for the replies!!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited April 2015
    roostking1 wrote: »
    Thanks for the responses and a quick update. I ended up having some work to do, so no chance to eat, but come to find out, it was a 3K run lol. I didnt know this until I saw the finish line and was pretty disappointed that I was mentally prepared for a 5K. I ran hard the first 1.2 miles then kind of slowed down a bit to get ready to run hard the last mile, but as soon as I came around a turn, there was the finish line! So I'm going to do this again this Friday and get a more realistic time, as I did the 1.7 miles in 15:38. Could have been much faster...

    Thanks again for the replies!!!
    Way to go! Better than finding it out it was actually a 10K, though. :smile: I've had the same thing happen except mine really was billed as a 5K and ended up being about 2.2 miles. Definitely disappointing!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    roostking1 wrote: »
    Hello, I am running a 5k tomorrow and am wondering what to eat to fuel the run and when to eat it. Thank you!

    You don't need to do anything special to fuel a 5k run. Just don't bog yourself down with a big meal too close to the start time.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    ninav1980 wrote: »
    you will get lots of answers here... For me, I eat nothing the day of event. I ran my half marathon on an empty stomach. The night before, I tackle some grilled chicken, rice and macaroni :) I like carbs :)

    Keep in mind, you will have at least one water stop in a 5k which should have some gatorade or similar drink for refueling.

    What? I've never seen a water stop in a 5k. In fact most people don't even need water during a 5k race, certainly not Gatorade.

    That said if it does have a water stop with a drink you've never had before - DON'T drink it. you have no idea how you will react to it.

    really? I see them all the time. Not everyone is on the same fitness level and some will need a water break.

    There is a difference between "want" and "need". Unless the 5k is being run through the streets of Dubai at 2pm on an August afternoon, water breaks are not needed on a 5k.

    I don't doubt they add to the experience, though, and they're a place to sell advertising etc.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    Fettuccine Alfredo + 5k = Fettuccine Al Sidewalk....

    Try a marathon.

    It definitely must be a local thing. Most of the 5ks around here have them, but they are all small races put on by pretty much the same people. I've heard complaints when there isn't one.
    But I agree with those who say they aren't necessary. I also just keep going by them.