Do you ever stop being hungry?



  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Im always something else that starts with an H.....

    Happy!!! Im always happy to be doing weight loss!! :#
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    i never stop being hungry I just learned to ignore it!
  • akdetweiler
    akdetweiler Posts: 38 Member
    It will get easier. It took me about two weeks to not have cravings and be hungry all the time. but i absolutely go through days where I am starving and could eat everything in sight! I am focusing now on adding more healthy volume to my meals. Say veggies and apples versus a serving of pita chips. I use raw sugar snap peas (40 cals per serving), apples, cucumbers, etc. all very low calorie and they give me something to much on for a while so I feel full. Plus they fill up a whole plate! Makes me feel like I am eating a ton of food. these things also help me stay full in the long run. Don't give up, its tough to start, but so worth it once you get over the hump.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    No. A person stops being hungry when they are dead.

    Wow... Very helpful.... Thanks for being a fountain of knowledge.
  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member
    The RD that saved my life emphasized fat intake to avoid hunger and wanted 40% of my calories to come from fat. Controlling calories is a lot easier without having to deal with hunger. Dealing with the supposed risks of high fat diet was far less concerning than the risk of giving in to constant hunger, too. Worked well for me as weight loss was top priority and any "fears" from a 40% fat diet have not materialized.
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    Macronutrients! Plant Carbs, Lean Protein and a good fat (nuts or olive oil).... Fill up on veggies.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    The RD that saved my life emphasized fat intake to avoid hunger and wanted 40% of my calories to come from fat. Controlling calories is a lot easier without having to deal with hunger. Dealing with the supposed risks of high fat diet was far less concerning than the risk of giving in to constant hunger, too. Worked well for me as weight loss was top priority and any "fears" from a 40% fat diet have not materialized.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have just started counting and I'm always hungry! I know most of it is habit and because I'm bored but I always feel like I'm starving! Will that ever subside?
    I love food but I want to be a smaller size and it's only my third day and I feel defeated! And sitting here looking at the calories and nutrient facts on food that I thought was ok (peanut butter crackers) will end up putting me over my calorie goal for the day or make my dinner a very small one... Does anyone have good food suggestions that will fill me up and doesn't have so many calories? I want to be successful so I'll take any suggestions I can get!

    If it's because you're bored, that's not hunger....

    I am hardly ever actually experiencing hunger pangs...when I was dieting I maintained a reasonable wasn't was only 500 calories less than my maintenance and I accounted for exercise activity appropriately. Basically, that's a couple of snacks per day and I easily and steadily lost about 1 Lb per week.

    If you're truly hungry, I would suggest that your goals are likely too aggressive...I would also wonder if you're appropriately accounting for exercise...when you exercise you get to eat more.
  • krmndown100
    krmndown100 Posts: 1 Member
    The RD that saved my life emphasized fat intake to avoid hunger and wanted 40% of my calories to come from fat. Controlling calories is a lot easier without having to deal with hunger. Dealing with the supposed risks of high fat diet was far less concerning than the risk of giving in to constant hunger, too. Worked well for me as weight loss was top priority and any "fears" from a 40% fat diet have not materialized.

    I second this!!! EAT FAT!! start researching Low Carb High Fat, or Keto. You wont be hungry again!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited April 2015
    Do you ever stop being hungry? No
  • christineja
    christineja Posts: 22 Member
    I'm so happy to read these replies. I was getting discouraged reading other threads where people said they were full on 1350 calories and/or had a hard time eating up to that or more. I exercise just to eat back the calories and I'm hungry pretty much all of the time. If I didn't exercise and ate the 1250 that MFP rec's for me to lose a lb a week I'd be miserable.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    In addition to fats and proteins, I have a plate full of vegetables ... for example, dinner included 100g of kale and 220g of broccoli. That worked out to only 1/4 of my dinner calories, but the majority of the bulk/size of the meal. Between the protein, the fat and all those vegs/fiber, I don't have hunger.

    As your diary is closed, and your personal stats are closed, I'll second usmcmp's comment that you're probably eating too few calories as well.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    No answer yet, so I will ask again - how much and what do you eat?
    1200 is not enough for most people, but if you eat the right food, it can be done if you feel like punishing yourself.....
    I just had a lunch of 2 mahi mahi fillets (grilled) 1.5 cups of mixed veggies ( broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and so on) and 2.5 oz of greek yogurt guacamole. .... I had trouble finishing it, and it came to 320 cals......
    Peanutbutter crackers won't fill you up, rather have 15 almonds and an apple......
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have just started counting and I'm always hungry! I know most of it is habit and because I'm bored but I always feel like I'm starving! Will that ever subside?
    I love food but I want to be a smaller size and it's only my third day and I feel defeated! And sitting here looking at the calories and nutrient facts on food that I thought was ok (peanut butter crackers) will end up putting me over my calorie goal for the day or make my dinner a very small one... Does anyone have good food suggestions that will fill me up and doesn't have so many calories? I want to be successful so I'll take any suggestions I can get!
    If you are hungry even after you have eaten the calories your body needs and more, it's just your appetite. It's related to the hormones of appetite, leptin and ghrelin. Try resetting your appetite for three days by removing additional carbs from your diet (so just eat protein, veggies and fats). You'll still get carbs naturally from foods, but your net carbs will be quite low. I'm currently doing this very thing, and have been for several weeks, and will continue for a couple weeks more). I used to eat 3000 cals or more a day, and feel hungry for every one of them, because that is where my appetite was at. I could not attain and sustain a lower bodyfat because of this. After a few days, my appetite drive was normalized, and I can now eat at a deficit for fat loss!!!!! I'm so excited. Hope this helps. You can check out my food diary if you like.

    I have plenty of energy for exercise! I go on at least 2 hour-long walks daily and often also an off-road mountain bike ride for 10 miles. I lost 7lbs in 3 weeks, and have lost inches off my waist and hips (my problem spot!) I am energetic upon waking and go to bed at 9:30-10pm. I don't use any caffeine at all. It's awesome!

  • shortgurl410
    shortgurl410 Posts: 3 Member
    My calorie goal is 1400 and I'm 4'10" and I weigh 169... My weekly goal is 1 lb a week
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't like being hungry- It is way too distracting for me- it annoys me to constantly think of food. I have changed my weight loss goal to 10lbs in a YEAR. I am at 7 lbs down and about 100 more days to go. I eat an "average" deficit of only 100! Sometimes I feel like a wimp when I look at how great other MFP members do. But, I have learned to accept this as what will work for me.... slooooow loss.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1200 (those just-not-hungry days) to 1500 + some exercise cals on normal days. When I go high protein and keep my carbs lower (100 or less) I'm way less hungry, sometimes I even have to make myself eat just to hit my daily goal.

    I'm not sure why, I'm not trying to 'go low carb' or anything, it varies from day to day, I just feel less or no hunger pangs that way. I pair my meat with vegetables, eat yogurt almost daily, a pack or two of oatmeal for breakfast with some fruit, etc. Nothing fancy a lot of the time, but it works for me. I've never really minded feeling a bit hungry, it's only the hormonal days that get under my skin now. On those 'certain days' of the month I want to eat everything I see, I just hold myself back as much as possible and eat normally.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Ok, that sounds doable..... what does your meals look like?
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    It goes away!! For now try eating smaller portions spaced out to learn that it really doesn't take large quantities of food to satiate the hunger. Make sure to get a bit of protein with most of your meals. Just fight through the desire to eat everything in sight and it will get better!!
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    also drink a lot of water. sometimes you think you are hungry but you just need hydration.