
Ok, here is my dilemma.....I am the type of person that if I eat the same foods over and over, I will get sick of them and won't ever eat them again. Meaning, if I ate plain chicken and broccoli everyday, I won't eat those things ever again.....maybe it's burnout, IDK. Anyway, I need a variety in my foods. I can do chicken, just not the same way all the time. I love green veggies, just not the same veggy daily. I hope I am making sense. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what to do. I get bored, I get frustrated trying to figure out what/how I am going to eat for that day. Luckily I am not working right now, but if I was, that would be even harder.



  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't have the same problem you are speaking of, but I love trying new things. So maybe I can't help with some recipe ideas.

    I am really into Piri Piri flavors right now. I have made a dry seasoning and a sauce. Both are delicious on fish, shrimp, chicken, burgers, beef and pork. Here is a link to the chicken and broccoli plate I made. The broccoli has a sweet soy glaze on it. The same glaze was great on spinach too.

  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    edited April 2015
    Here is a salad I enjoy. I have taken it to a potluck or two and it disappears.

    Broccoli Salad
    Source: WW Cookbook
    Makes 4 servings

    4 cups blanched broccoli florets
    1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut into halves
    4 black olives, pitted and sliced
    3 Tablespoons sliced scallion
    2 Tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons olive oil
    2 Tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
    1 Tablespoon water
    1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
    1 garlic clove, minced
    Dash each salt and freshly ground pepper

    In bowl combine broccoli, cherry tomatoes, olives, and scallion. Combine remaining ingredients in blender container; process for 30 seconds. Add to broccoli salad and toss to combine.

    NI per serving: 158 calories, 7 g protein, 12 g fat, 11 g carbohydrate, 136 mg sodium.
    Per Serving: 2-1/4 teaspoon limited vegetables, 2-1/2 servings Vegetables, 2 servings Fat, 1/2 serving extras.
  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    I like to blend turkey with herbs, maybe onion and a little egg white (1 white to about 300g turkey) to make burgers or meatballs (depends really on the kinds of herbs you have).
    I also ofc like plain roast chicken and turkey!

    I also have a knack for throwing tonnes of veg with or without these meaty things(I have frozen chopped peppers, onions, broccoli+cauliflower, peas...and plenty fresh and tinned too) in with:
    • either a tin of tomatoes -adding either italian herbs for pasta sauce, or kidney beans and spicy 'herbs/spices' for a chilli (no idea of the term)
    • or about 1 tablespoon gravy granules and 1-2 stock cubes for a yummy hotpot! I just stir them right into the veg and maybe add a little water if it seems dry at all!

    Fruit in fat free yoghurt can change with your tastes and if the fruit is a little soft, but not 'bad' I just blend it up with water or sugar-free flavoured water then freeze to make ice lollies.

    Blending your mash with cauliflower can save you enough calories to add cheese if you like.

    Oh and are delicious, I recommend with Walden Farms "0 Calorie chocolate sauce" to spread on top :smiley: