31, 5'6 currently 238lbs. Goal weight 170. Looking for friends for motivation!!

I'm really gonna do it this time, but I need support and motivation. I have lost all self-confidence and can't stand to look in the mirror or take pictures. I've let myself go and I can't take it anymore. I have 2 very active kids and a very active boyfriend. I'm tired of using the excuse of supporting them instead of doing something for me! It's time to take control again and be happy! Looking for friends to inspire and motivate me to get up and get out! new to this community thing, so add me and we can get fit together.


  • lovelybubbles87
    lovelybubbles87 Posts: 4 Member
    5'8 237 lbs age:28
    I'm doing insanity max 30 to lose weight. We can motivate each other. I have 3 small boys and my fiance to keep up with. Add me :)
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm in your boat I have been trying for years saying I want to lOse thIs weight, and never doing it. Well 33 days ago I said I'm fed up with how I feel and look. I've Last 12 pounds with making sure I'm waiTing and cOrrect portions. Feel free to add me. I'm looking to lose 80+ pounds and my goal weight is 160.