Looking for some 5ft buddies with a small amout to lose

Hi all

I am Mel, 33 yr old female from UK

Height 5FT
CW 127 LBS
GW 112LB
Calories 1200 but eating some exercise calories back
Diet Fairly Clean
Exercise very active. Gym (cardio 45mins) 5 days a wk, long walks each day burn approx 800-1000 calories a day
Ultimate goal to be toned and strong and not have a pot belly

looking to chat to others in similar situations to share diaries.

Would appreciate any comments on my diary


  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    send me a friend request ;)

    I am Laura, 34 female, US

    Height 5-4
    CW 150
    GW 135
    calories 1400, zumba, yoga, weightlifting
  • mittencat77
    mittencat77 Posts: 137 Member
    I'll be your buddy.
    4'11...currently my goal is to lose about 4 pounds ( I would tell you all my weight but it is low and it makes me sound much smaller than I look....I know that this last 4 lbs, what I was last year, makes a big difference!)

    I could use the support. It is hard when you are short as 1 or 2 lbs can look like two to three times as much. I eat 1200 calories, but wonder if that is too much? I also don't fully understand if I am supposed to eat back the calories or be in a deficit each day? Lastly, starting back on weights...the only thing that really helps me get it off...so I could use some support there.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Geez how long are those 1000 calorie walks!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    I will be your buddy if you send me a friend request.

    I am just under 5ft 4 in and am trying to lose 10 kg - about 22 lb.
    have lost 8kg since mid January.

    I am in Australia.