For Those Who Don't Have Much to Lose

So I'm looking to lose a little over 20 pounds. I'm slightly overweight and I think this would put me in a healthy range. The thing is, since I don't have as much to lose it takes so much longer! I am only about 2 weeks in and have lost about 2 pounds, but my fear is that it was only water weight. When I've tried to lose weight in the past I've gone for about 2 weeks and saw maybe a 1 or 2 pound difference in the scale and then I gave up. I don't want this to happen again! I know the process is supposed to be slow, but I can't help but be impatient. I'm working hard and just want to know how long it took for those of you who didn't have much to lose to finally lose it? And what kept you on track?


  • flissy5
    flissy5 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm still there! Having lost around 20/22, I want to lose around another 10. I find that It's easier for me to think in 2 - 3lb losses at a time. Aim to lose 3 lbs, then have a period of maintenance, then in a few weeks aim to lose another 2 or 3 lbs. I hope this helps, it's still a method in progress for me!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    meg7117 wrote: »
    So I'm looking to lose a little over 20 pounds. I'm slightly overweight and I think this would put me in a healthy range. The thing is, since I don't have as much to lose it takes so much longer! I am only about 2 weeks in and have lost about 2 pounds, but my fear is that it was only water weight. When I've tried to lose weight in the past I've gone for about 2 weeks and saw maybe a 1 or 2 pound difference in the scale and then I gave up. I don't want this to happen again! I know the process is supposed to be slow, but I can't help but be impatient. I'm working hard and just want to know how long it took for those of you who didn't have much to lose to finally lose it? And what kept you on track?

    You want to lose 20 lbs to be at a healthy weight and you're upset about losing 1 pound a week? That's a great loss. It's also a good number to aim for IMO.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    I want to lose 10-25 lbs. I've lost about 40 already, it's definitely getting harder. Lifting is helping, I can see my body change even when the scale stays the same.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    I also have 20 pounds to lose. This process is not easy for anyone. It's a very slow process and I'll have days where I am like "screw this, what's the point" or I almost try to convince myself to order unhealthy take out because "i only live once, and I might as well live it up" however these are excuses. If I fall for it I will seriously regret in the end. What really helps is imagining myself at my goal weight. I'll finally be able to fit into a size medium when I hit it. I will no longer have to buy plus sized clothing online. That's what keeps me going.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    At 5'4 I went from 132lbs to 112lbs in 31 weeks, so about 0.7lbs/week. However that was for me going from a healthy weight to the very bottom of a healthy BMI, whereas you're going from slightly overweight to a healthy weight, so it'll probably be slightly quicker. At the time I kept with it because I didn't find dieting a chore or anything, it was just part of life. Bit like asking how I can stick with showering or brushing my teeth every day. I ate what I wanted at special occasions so it didn't ever really feel like I was particularly depriving myself. I then put some of it back on and now have a job (I was at uni then) and am finding it slightly harder, but I'm also doing a lot more exercise so I get to eat more.
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    It sounds like you are doing great girl! I don't have much to lose either but I tell you this, healthy is not about that number. Yes we all want to be a certain size but I've come to realize that there are skinny fat can be a size 1 and still be very unhealthy. But as long as you focus on eating right and exercising your body will react, it just takes time. :-)
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Someone in one of the forums talked about the "big picture" -- so, when weight loss is maddeningly slow, think about the big picture. It IS worth it, we all know that. Just keep telling yourself you will stick with it. Then...stick with it.
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I have about 15 or so more to lose (I will officially decide once I get to my first goal if I want to lose more or not) but I have found out this week that I am losing daily by working out 5 days a week and eating between 2000-2500. Now, I am averaging about 1.5lbs/week lost. Slow, but steady now. It tends to be harder and slower the closer you are to your goal I have noticed. Good luck!!! And remember, it all starts in the kitchen!!