


  • chermike1
    chermike1 Posts: 12 Member
    I guess there is some confusion on here as to do I see an endocrinologist and the answer is yes. I had my first appointment at the end of march and have a follow up in 3 months. Because I have excess hair and trouble with fertility he has diagnosed me with pcos after ruling out all other possibilities with blood test. I am lucky because my blood sugar is normal at this time. So, because my blood sugar is normal I am free to diet in any healthy way I see fit. So any of your dieting experiences are welcome. My endocrinologist is giving me the green light and freedom to exercise and diet with whatever method I choose as long as it isn't a unhealthy lifestyle like a starvation or hcg type of thing. I do appreciate your concern because to many people out there do not get professional help and mistreat there bodies unintentionally. By the way what is an op is that a family practice physician? I have one of those as well and also a obgyn. Do I need a different kind of dr. than a endo. for my pcos? I would like to know if I am going to the wrong specialist. As far as laser hair removal I was told by my dermatologist I would not see very good results only about 50% due to my hair being many textures and colors. If they were all dark and course I would be good to go because I am very fair. My fair skin makes even my light hairs visible by sight. I can't take birth control because my chest was very heavy when I slept on the last bc. I felt like all my organs were swollen so I thought that can't be healthy and got off of it immediately those same symptoms went away within a week of quitting the bc.
  • chermike1
    chermike1 Posts: 12 Member
    I know a lot of you are stating that you have to have diabetes or high blood sugar to have pcos, but my endo said there are 3 criteria (symptoms of pcos) you must meet 2 to be diagnosed with pcos. my two were the hair and infertility. most people either meet all 3 or have the blood sugar as one. I was also told that my case is mild and if I don't get my weight down it would evolve into all 3 eventually.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    OP is short for original poster (you). Going to an endo is the right course. Just make sure you are properly logging your food - get a scale and weigh everything you can. If you are doing things properly and still not losing that would be a time to speak to your endo and show him/her and then go from there as to what could be wrong. I also wouldn't do 1200 calories per day, as that is likely well below your BMR (the amount of calories your body needs just to function every day).

    These two threads are a gold mine of info to get you on your way...



  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Try the PCOS group here on mfp, much more relevant information there than here on the general forums.


    There is lots of info there about what types of doctors help the most, what type of diet helps, what types of tests to ask for to see if you have IR also or just PCOS, what types of tests to ask for to see which type of PCOS you are, suppliments that are good for PCOS, etc

    Lots of ladies who understand your struggle and support each other.
  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    edited April 2015
    I also was diagnosed last year with PCOS. My doctor put me on Metformin and had me go on the Ideal Protein Diet. The diet was very restrictive but worked super well! I am wearing clothes I have not wore in years! I have lost 35 pounds, my cycles have became more regular, I have more energy, and my cramps have really been reduced A LOT! That made me supper happy!