Who did overcome binge eating and how?



  • sfkn123
    sfkn123 Posts: 17 Member
    I recently discovered that binge eating is a real thing. Often times, I eat so much that I get to the point where I'm completely stuffed and my stomach would hurt. I didn't know what "full" was, until recently..

    I first binged on fruits and veggies - as much as I want, when I wanted. If you're binging on just veggies alone, you can't really have that many calories, but it will still fill the empty space in your stomach. I then started to eat my food slowly - chewing 15 times before swallowing, and drinking water in between bites. Also, drink a lot of water before you start eating.

    I'm currently using the Eat to Live diet now. Not sure how it'll turn out, but my weight is dropping by 2 lbs a day while eating as much as I want. Currently weighing in at 148 lbs 5'6". Was 205 lbs prior.