Let's be friends!

megann4223 Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

This is my second bout with MyFitnessPal. Almost three years ago I lost sixty pounds logging my food and working out with it. It was a tremendous success! I was running half marathons, eating clean, and was in the best shape of my life. Then I stopped logging and gained it all back.

I'm back on MFP because it's a formula that works for me. I'm looking to find a maintainable lifestyle change and would love some friends to join me on my journey.

A little about me...
  • I love running and will likely participate in a few races this summer
  • I also love to eat good food... there will be no 1200 calorie diet anywhere in my future
  • I'm on MFP a lot. Expect me to comment on everything, share all of my triumphs and all of my failures. Integrating this website into my daily life helps me stay accountable.
  • I have addiction to peanut butter
  • I'm turning 30 this year
  • I love kittens... crazy cat lady in the making

So... let's be friends. ;) Add me or send me a message.