Needing some motivation today

alwinter09 Posts: 25 Member
Hi, my name is Amanda and here is some background info on me: I have a 9 1/2 year old. I use to be very active, working as a CNA and Pharmacy Technician. At this time I was already overweight at 190 lbs. A year ago I got a desk job, and my weight has skyrocketed to 220 lbs. I decided something had to be done!

My goal is to lose 75 pounds, which will put me at a healthy BMI. MFP has said I should eat 1200 calories a day; typically I eat anywhere between 1200-1500 per day. I exercise for at least 30 minutes four times a week, burning on average about 300-400 calories per workout. I have been following this routine for a month, and have recently started taken garcinia cambogia.

I haven't lost a single pound, and I am more than frustrated. I know that I am ultimately being a healthier person. Mind you, I take two medications (gabapentin and depakote) that increase weight gain, but I should have seen SOME loss by know. I am so down on myself right now, and would love any suggestions to keep moving forward and not lose hope.
Thanks so much


  • LJFJ
    LJFJ Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, Amanda. I understand completely what you're going through, although I don't have any children (four cats, though). I've been trying to be good for a while now, but in the last three weeks, I've gained 18 pounds, and neither the doctor nor I can figure out why. My blood sugar has also gone out of control, but the last three days have been good, blood sugar wise. I have at least 35 pounds to lose and have no "fat clothes" left, so everything is tight.

    Do you have any physical ailments that would cause you not to lose weight? Are you choosing the right foods or just going by carbs and calories? For example, I'll go for the butter instead of olive oil and full-fat cheese instead of skim. I do take one of the same medications you do, and I didn't know gabapentin caused weight gain. Thank you for mentioning that. I did ask my doctor yesterday about garcinia cambogia, and he didn't recommend it. I then asked him about the green coffee bean extract, and he said, emphatically, "Yes!" That's my next purchase; from what I've read, it's supposed to help A1C and weight loss, as long as we get exercise and watch our diets.

    Did you visit your doctor before you started a weight loss- and exercise program? He'll make sure you have no underlying issues that would set you on the right path (e.g., my doctor determined how many calories I should be eating, along with how many carbs). He can recommend a nutritionist, if you need one. I did that many years ago and it really helped. I can't afford it now, and my insurance won't cover it, but I'm going to do a lot of research and get a diabetes cookbook to help. My doctor was so kind about my fat, and I'm determined to show some kind of loss by the time I see him again in three weeks. If I don't, at least my blood sugar will be under control. That's my primary goal; if weight comes off, too, that would be awesome! You have the right attitude, in that you know you're becoming healthier.

    Please stick with the program, Amanda. We can chat here regularly to support each other, if you'd like. I do much better when I'm accountable to someone or have a friend to work with. I have no family, and, since I'm home-bound, it's not easy to make friends (a third of my exercise every day and week is walking in the halls). I'm here to help you as much as I can, even though I just started here today. I've been on hundreds of diets over the years, and this is the first time I've tried something online. I've learned, though, that friends can make a huge difference, no matter what the goal.

    Please don't be down on yourself. As you wrote, you know you're getting healthier, and that's the whole idea behind what we're doing, right? There's always hope. I just read in a book that "there is hope in hopeless." That kind of hit a chord with me.
  • Kaye162
    Kaye162 Posts: 8
    Hi Amanda, you are going in the right direction and you probably don't want to hear that. But many times our bodies just hold on to the weight - don't give up. I have been journaling for almost 100 days and have lost 5 pounds - I have about 20 to go, but I do see each day as a new one and getting movement in and making the right food choices are always bonus days for me. I am big on no guilt. Each day is a gift. The 30 minutes of exercise is great - maybe try incorporating some stretching - some light weights - an ab routine to those 30 min. There are some great free websites that have fun workouts - - feel free tor friend me or write. My mantra is change your mind, change your body. and also - be accepting of where you are right now - being good to yourself is the best gift ever. Have a great day Amanda!! Kaye
  • jema_b98
    jema_b98 Posts: 28 Member
    I know your frustration, and what has helped me some has been to measure everything and make sure you are filling in the right amounts on your diary. And to drink lots of water. I put oranges, lemons or grapefruit in my water when I get bored with plain water. It's amazing how different the measuring amounts and what we think is the right amount actually is. And what you eat is as important as calories. All carbs and the weight will never come off. Good luck and keep focused. One day at a time.
  • alwinter09
    alwinter09 Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks everyone! I have no physical ailments other than a bum foot and epilepsy, but the foot causes me more discomfort than anything, I still push myself through it. I did speak with my doctor about my weight loss, and he did ok everything I've been doing. I've been experiencing a frightening level of neuropathy, hence why he put me on the gabapentin. He's thinking that the excess weight, and the way I sit, are contributing to why my neuropathy is getting so bad.

    I don't try to go by carbs alone in the least, I try to eat a balanced diet (but I'm allergic to dairy, gluten, and aspartame, so I end up making my own meals anyway.) I am usually highest in sodium, So i tried drinking more water to help flush it out of my system.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Garcinia Cambogia is a waste of money. Use a food scale, (it's free) and it makes all the difference in the world.