ObamaCare....Your thoughts



  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I don't know anyone who's rates have not increased. Doctors are being paid less for their services. And with more and more people getting on their state Medicaid plans, doctors will see even less money. And that's if they even agree to see those patients. It's not in the doctors best interest to see Medicaid patients so that will leave many people left out in the cold without a doctor to see.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member

    As for Canada....They are currently re-introducing private insurance.I have an uncle that lives in Toronto.Has told me all about it.Says the quality is decent but the long long waits for simple procedures is way to much.

    I live in Canada and haven't heard such a thing - RE private insurance. Long waits apply mostly for elective surgeries like joint replacements, etc.. Not for simple procedures. My wife had to get her gallbladder taken out a few years ago. After it was requested from the Dr., she was operated on within 2 weeks.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I wish it was single payer. It's alright. I mean I have a preexisting condition in the form of a genetic condition and now I can't be denied because of that.

    Just curious how our why you have something denied thru a pre existing clause...as they do not exist unless you are without insurance for 6 months.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    our HC system was ****ed up before and it's still going to be ****ed up. It's ridiculous that the wealthiest nation on the planet has such a ****ty HC system...how does the wealthiest country on the planet have a HC system that is ranked 21st in the world? Ridiculous and the Affordable Care Act does nothing to really change that IMHO.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    ok, I am going to PREFACE 1. I used to be an RN- 2. i currently work in HR 3. i have family in the insurance industry, so am fairly familiar with it.

    then i am going to add my comments.
    company supported insurance, the insurance company will analyze the company you are in and compare it to statistical averages within the industry of "comparable" so if you are ,
    FOR EX. an accountant, and most companies that are the size of yours have about 60% obesity rate in the office,

    it doesn't matter to them if your office is filled with fitness geeks -

    because the statistical average over time for your office is not that model...

    so the ins. company issues you a policy.. based on that average,

    with maybe a bit cut off because your office is healthy, but not much


    in all your healthy office is going to help cover the costs of the obese guys across the street.

    that's how the company makes money, they sell insurance to both healthy groups and unhealthy groups,
    but unhealthy groups pay more, and healthy groups don't pay all that much less.... it is in effect a bit of (don't cry now) socialism..
    everyone is all paying, and everyone covers everyone else..

    Obama care
    at its heart is a GREAT idea, but it will not do what it was hoped to do , which is bring the cost of healthcare down by covering everyone, few surgeons are going to drop their prices, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies still must report a profit, medical equipment will still cost an arm and a leg, a Tylenol given in a hospital is still going to cost 5.00 per pill because EVERYONE has a hand in the pot , on the take .. the doctor who prescribes it , the nurse who dispenses it , the cup you drink out of , the portion pack company who purchased them medication and repackaged it the hospital bed you sit on and the lights in the room where you sit to take it

    medicine is big big big business..
    if the obama care type bill had been passed 70 years ago , we would be a far far stronger country--- as it sits, i hope it works for everyone.. mandatory insurance starts in january... if you are losing weight now, i wouldnt shop for it until december..
    just saying
  • londonboyben
    londonboyben Posts: 314 Member
    being from the uk i dont know much about obamacare

    but here we have free nhs, and as good as it sounds its such a burden on the economy, and is actually getting to the point where its not sustainable so hospitals are closing (big story playing out over my local hospital closing departments) and waiting times for operations etc is growing to unreasonable lengths,

    i think everyone who can should contribute, although not at unaffordable prices,
    or at least introduce a system where the overwhelming number of patients who have self inflicting problems (smokers/drinkers/obese) that if you are admitted for those reasons you pay towards your costs
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    our HC system was ****ed up before and it's still going to be ****ed up. It's ridiculous that the wealthiest nation on the planet has such a ****ty HC system...how does the wealthiest country on the planet have a HC system that is ranked 21st in the world? Ridiculous and the Affordable Care Act does nothing to really change that IMHO.

    Who ranked us @21?
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    part 2.

    medical insurance, in the past year , me and my family of 9 total people , went to the hospital 1x.
    it cost 6k- its already been paid for , negotiated the costs down and settled for 3500.00
    it was an emergency room visit for my daughter
    and our son had his eyes checked and bought glasses, 250.00

    in june of last year i tried to get a quote for insurance, for 7 of the 9 people in house it was 525.00 a month for 80% coverage with a 2000.00 deductible...

    so , doing the math , had we bought that insurance ..
    we would have paid, until today...
    + the 2000.00 deductible, and the insurance would have covered appx. 1500.00 in medical bills... Glasses aren't covered. because it was another 50.00 per month to add vision......
    so WITH insurance , my medical "expenses last year would have been 8300.00+250.00= total of 8550.00
    Yeah ..universal healthcare doesn't sound so bad when you do the math.....

    there are so darn many parts of the system that are broken , the health care bill cannot possibly hope to fix them all
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    i have friends from canada who would disagree that their ins. is superior in any way to ours. They cross the border every time they need to go to the doctor or have a surgery. She needed a surgery and was able to schedule it within 2 weeks of diagnosis in the USA, for the same surgery she would have had to wait 6 months.

    my 76 yoa neighbor who has survived cancer for 5 years thinks its a diaster as her doctor of 15 years has told her find another doctor as he will no longer accept medicare or any other gov. funded plans.

    it will prove to be a diaster just like all other gov. funded frauds on the working class.
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    I am super educated on this subject. I work as an RN and am so excited. We all need health insurance and every employer should offer it. Premiums should go DOWN to keep up with the awesome rate the government will offer. It should catch soooo much fraud and crap that is currently billed for. I just want it to roll out already and for all the details to be released. Doctors are not going to quit! They are actually going to have to do their job! Right now they see you when they want, make you wait forever...well not anymore because we will have choices and can expect some actual CUSTOMER SERVICE. I say hell yeah!
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    I disagree....I work with Medicaid patients all the time. The MD ALWAYS gets paid and does not have to fight with anyone. They pay a lower rate but it is a rate that actually makes sense...not inflated by the MD who thinks he is god.
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I disagree....I work with Medicaid patients all the time. The MD ALWAYS gets paid and does not have to fight with anyone. They pay a lower rate but it is a rate that actually makes sense...not inflated by the MD who thinks he is god.

    I am a medical biller for a psychiatry office. For each code that we bill for, the doctor gets paid HALF of what he gets from every other insurance company.
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    Now that we've fixed all the healthcare problems in the US, its time to fix other things.

    I think the government should give everyone 'affordable transportation' also, so everyone can have a car.
    The rich already have multiple cars, the middle class will have to pay more for theirs, and the poor will all be given free access to cars while the working class foot the bill for it.

    Did you seriously just compare healthcare to cars?:huh:

    No, I was comparing the government trying to re-distribute the cost of the healthcare to the government re-distributing the cost of transportation.

    We already have healthcare throughout the US.

    What we are really arguing about is who is going to pay for it. The taxpayers, your neighbor, you, your boss...someone has to pay and we are just re-adjusting who is doing the paying.

    There is no such thing as 'free' healthcare, but there will be those people who will not have to pay for it because we will make other people pay on their behalf.

    I'm not arguing whether this is wrong or right, moral or not, I'm just stating facts.
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    Interesting....I must say I am shocked how many people are willing to give the govt complete control over your health.Dont be fooled,they will be dictating to the insurance companies what they are allowed to pay.Especially considering the amount of people who will be getting it free through subsidies.May want to remember who is going to be enforcing this law.You know the same bunch who is currently being being looked at day after day for a new scandal....Ugh,you all trust the IRS?....this is scary.Sorry its the libertarian in me.And the pre-existing this is garbage.I have a pre-existing and have never had trouble getting coverage.I have it now,always have for the last 25 years.Never an issue.Cost a few bucks more....but its always available.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I see this thread going swimmingly.

    There are some provisions within Obamacare that I approved of.

    However, I believe that the bill was largely a "feel good" measure that didn't address any of the real issues as to why the actual cost of health care (not health care insurance) is as expensive as it is.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Do not want to start a political argument (though Im sure it will).But I am just curious about your thoughts on the new healthcare bill about to go into effect.Like it? Dont like it? You worried? Is it one of the reasons your trying to get healthy,for fear of higher costs for being over weight? Im just curious....please no arguing.Just want some opinions:smile:

    when you have to put that many disclaimers on something. it's best not to start that conversation.

    ps. "I'm not a racist", "no offence, but", "i have no filter", aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnndddd.....:flowerforyou:
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Health care is going to rise, and if you do not get health care you are fined at a rising rate every year. Small business owners with over 50 employees (or something around that number) are going out of business because they cannot foot the bill. Rates for my health care have gone up about 20%, and the co-pays have also gone up.

    I think the idea is a good idea over all, but the way it was done is completely wrong. Has anyone actually read this monster from cover to cover? I've never had the pleasure. I do however have the pleasure of working in nursing, and where I work medicaid is up to two years behind on some of it's bills. Where I work is a state owned facility, government funded, and they live in the red... So shall our health care be. Rates will rise, doctors will leave, you will get less and pay more. Unless you're poor, poor people will have state insurance which where it's accepted covers everything without co-pay :D
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I always find the good ones before they get locked.
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    I am the daughter and sister of MDs. My dad always said, "No one should lose their home over medical bills"- and that was 50 years ago. For the past 42 years, I have lived in Canada, with its universal health care.

    It works, not perfectly, but well enough that I and my family are extremely skeptical of any argument against it, having experienced the two countries' approaches.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Well I live in the UK and our healthcare is funded by a direct tax on income so we don't have 'free' health care, it's a case that everyone who works contributes.

    I, for one, appreciate that for an amount of tax I barely notice I can get a doctor's appointment and don't get an eye-watering bill. I can get referred to consultants without having to worry where the money is going to come from. I can be prescribed medicines and pay under £10 for them. I also appreciate that the most vulnerable in our society will get all this without having to contribute a thing.

    I think there's a lot of great things about America, but your health system is not one of them. Nobody should have to worry that they can't afford to see a doctor or get treatment....it's as fundamental as having a roof over your head.
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