Drop 30lbs before June - Lets support each other

deztined Posts: 16 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Armando, I'd like to connect with individuals who'd like to drop some winter weight by June. Lets help each other out and motivate each other as we strive for this goal.


  • youtubie
    youtubie Posts: 102 Member
    Sounds like a plan!
  • karensbeetle
    karensbeetle Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 30 lbs also
  • Robyn227
    Robyn227 Posts: 4 Member
    For me, 20 pounds is wishful thinking, but I feel that 15 pounds by June is doable. I can see that I need to swap my Fat and Protein percentages on the pie chart! Uuggghhh! Support is much appreciated!
  • Jamisonanne
    Jamisonanne Posts: 25 Member
    I'm looking to lose 15-30 before June as well. I'm looking to get/give support and motivation so please feel free to add me!-Jamison
  • careyw1
    careyw1 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm looking to lose 25-30 lbs too! I'm hoping by June...add me if you want.
  • MrMike79
    MrMike79 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm looking to drop 10lb a month for the next 3 months.
  • libragoddess115
    libragoddess115 Posts: 7 Member
    30lbs by June sounds great! Let's do the best we can! Stay motivated every pound loss is a step towards your goals! :)
  • Add me :)
  • Looking to lose 30 by June too! Add me
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Even by the end of June, short of cutting off a limb, this is near impossible. Even a pound a week is only about seven pounds by June 1.
  • yogi323
    yogi323 Posts: 56 Member
    That goal is way to high. Set a more achievable goal, because you won't hit 30 pounds lost by June.