Anyone else loosing baby weight?

I'm looking for new friends who also have extra pregnancy weight to lose. I was down to about 125 before I got pregnant and I'm hoping to get back to that weight. I'm about 145 right now so 20 pounds to go. Although I won't lie,, I've been crazy lazy and eating a lot of junk food. I'm sure about 5 pounds will come off just by finally counting calories again and just simply walking.

But yeah, I'd love new mommy friends, or anyone really! I'm just excited about losing and looking attractive again for my husband!


  • mszulborska
    mszulborska Posts: 12 Member
    I try to lose pregnancy weight 145 before baby girl 1,5 years olds baby boy 2 mounts //// 198 now.
  • Andrealorren
    Andrealorren Posts: 17 Member
    I was also 125 before baby! Lots my goal weight too. That was 4 years ago and I'm 160 now. So I gotta do something! This is my first time ever counting calories..
  • I would like to be your friend i am to trying too lose my pregnancy weight my LO is 8 months and my mind and body still thinks i need sweets. So was 235 when i had her Im now 185 my goal is to be 160 so 20 more pounds maybe more
  • lovetiffany
    lovetiffany Posts: 43 Member
    I was also 125 before baby! Lots my goal weight too. That was 4 years ago and I'm 160 now. So I gotta do something! This is my first time ever counting calories..

    We can do this together!

  • lovetiffany
    lovetiffany Posts: 43 Member
    I try to lose pregnancy weight 145 before baby girl 1,5 years olds baby boy 2 mounts //// 198 now.

    All we have to do is work hard and we can get there! We deserve to look and feel great!
  • mace417
    mace417 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Tiffany, i am also trying to lose extra baby weight. With my first child i was 150 before pregnancy, and after i was able to get down to 115. After my second child i was at 142. I am currently at 130 and would like to be back at 115.
  • Hello, I was 123 before pregnancy. My son is 2 years old and i did breastfeed 20 mounths. now i'm 158 :( Still trying to lose weight but i started doing exercise 4 weeks ago with trainer. I lost 11 pounds. I'm proud of myself :) First time i am counting calories.
  • lovetiffany
    lovetiffany Posts: 43 Member
    eylemozge wrote: »
    Hello, I was 123 before pregnancy. My son is 2 years old and i did breastfeed 20 mounths. now i'm 158 :( Still trying to lose weight but i started doing exercise 4 weeks ago with trainer. I lost 11 pounds. I'm proud of myself :) First time i am counting calories.

    Oh that's awesome!! Way to go!!
  • lovetiffany
    lovetiffany Posts: 43 Member
    mace417 wrote: »
    Hi Tiffany, i am also trying to lose extra baby weight. With my first child i was 150 before pregnancy, and after i was able to get down to 115. After my second child i was at 142. I am currently at 130 and would like to be back at 115.

    That's a great goal! I'd love to get to 115, but I actually haven't been that small since high school and I only managed it for about a month! I figured out that 125 is my comfort happy weight, 120 is my idea best looking weight. We can do this!
  • I still have forty odd pounds to loose :( my lil guy turnt one at the beginning of the month, I did ️how ever have 3 children with In 26 months so I'm struggling a little bit with my weight loss. I've lost 38 already.. Just the rest to go! Add me if you like :)
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey! I've got a 3 year old and a 3 month old. I feel you when you talk about eating junk!! I really just grabbed what was fast and easy for the first three months... so I'm now 215 lbs =/. My ultimate goal is 165 (what I weighed when I was last happy with my weight), so I have a long way to go. My husband tells me that I'm beautiful and not to worry, but I must admit I ping pong in between feeling like its "not that bad" and admitting to myself that I'm looking pretty bad. I'm really trying to stick with mfp and get somewhere. The weight really comes off if I stay dedicated! I just go to food when I'm stressed, and there is a ton of stress with a new baby!
  • tatinav
    tatinav Posts: 22 Member
    I'm with you all! Mommy of 3 (6yrboy/3yr girl and 6 month boy). Work full time and part time studies plus own business. Was 135 now am 220 lbs. Exercising for peace of mind and endurance plus kids seeing me practice what I preach! Fit fam In full effect here. Anyone's welcome to add me