Feeling Frustrated! Please help!

I'm feeling extremely frustrated and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. This time last week I was down to 222.4ish. Now its 226. Meaning I've gained 4ish pounds. I assumed at first it was water/salt/bloat/that one night I went out with my girlfriends and ate every off limit food, but the scale has been consistently up all week. And actually I've been hanging out in the 225 area for weeks now. I was so excited to see 224 and I'm disappointed that it's back up. Please, take a look at my diary tell me what I might be doing wrong. Maybe its too much sugar, but my sugar has on average been that much since I started losing weight. Or sodium?

Thanks so much!


  • bizzyeck
    bizzyeck Posts: 45 Member
    For anyone to look at your diary you need to open it.
    Settings, Diary settings, at bottom click public.

    i wish I could give advice but I am having the same dilemma. Good luck
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    How much have you lost to date? Changes especially drastic changes to your caloric intake makes your body feel its starving and will slow your metablosim down to save that weight
  • ashleybb123
    ashleybb123 Posts: 22 Member
    I've lost 20 pounds or so, depending on the day/fluctuation
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Great job! Throughout the journey your always going to plateau so you need to change up your exercise Teutons and even some of the foods you like to eat..try to encorporate new healthy options and you'll be back to burning fat in no time
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    What about your measurements?
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Congrats on the weight lost so far. I took a quick look at your diary. Try drinking more water. I have a problem getting enough water, so I bought a 32 oz. sport bottle, fill it with filtered water and lemon slices, and try to drink 2 of those a day. Water curbs my hunger, too.
  • samitapio
    samitapio Posts: 3

    The wight will fluctuate. Sometimes you have alot of water weight due to high sodium intace. If you recently changed diet or started training something stick to it for atleast 2 weeks so you body can adjust.

    When i started loosing weight i lost abound 60 pounds and then gained 15 and kept that weight for a while.
    I just kept to the diet and training and the scale started going down again.
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    I am not one to talk because I am a horrible water drinker BUT where is your water?
  • ashleybb123
    ashleybb123 Posts: 22 Member
    What about your measurements?

    2.5 off my natural waist, 2ish at my belly button, 1 off my neck. I've been told that my face looks slimmer, but I'm not sure if that has stalled as well..
  • ashleybb123
    ashleybb123 Posts: 22 Member
    I am not one to talk because I am a horrible water drinker BUT where is your water?

    Oh that's how I reply directly! haha. Umm I don't log it, but it's also not great TBH. Probably 6-7 cups on days I don't workout at 9-10 when I do...the difference because I guzzle water when i workout
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Just took a peek at your diary..we all have cheat days but you still have some junk throughout the week there along with processed foods that are high in sodium. J wouldn't recommend dominoes pizzza even on a cheat day..that's like poison for all your hard work...stick to a local shop..either veggie..margherita or even just plain cheese and if oily use a balking to soak up the greese and cals..actually not bad for you at all long as a where talking a couple slices here :)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You probably need to eat more!! Your body is holding on to everything to fuel it and that might be the reason you are gaining. Here a road map to figure what you should be eating. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far! It is hard work and you have shown yourself you CAN do it! Maybe really switch things up.....load up on veggies, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, berries and lean proteins. Stay away from the processed crap---it's so bad for you. Make sure to drink your water!!!!! And last, move your body everyday! Hang in there....this will pass. But remember your "why"---why you want to get healthy and be honest with yourself. Hugs.
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member
    If the gain stabilizes, don't bother, it'll come off again. It's only been a week ;) If it goes up further and longer then you may want to start worrying...
  • mistij68
    mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
    Maybe you just need to switch things up a bit. If you've been doing the same things for a long time your body just gets use to it and adapts. I had hit a plateau for a while, but now I'm doing the "Shred Revolutionary Diet" by Dr. Ian K. Smith. I'm doing it with my friends and family and people on MFP. It's been just one week and I've already lost 4lbs. I haven't put it in my weigh in yet, because out official weigh in isn't until Monday. But if you want to try that, it's pretty easy to follow and you eat normal and a variety of foods. It's based on "Diet Confusion", like the concept of " Muscle Confusion" you need to change up what you eat daily and weekly, so you don't get into " Diet Boredom" . The plan is for six weeks, and you eat 4 meals a day and three snacks a day. You eat so often that you really don't get hungry. By the time you start to get hungry, you need to eat any way. So I've been on it for a week so far, I like it. Plus you can make substitutions on this diet, while other diets prohibit substitutions. So give it a try, maybe it will help you. If you want you can look at my diary and see what I've eaten. But whatever you do, don't give up!:smile:
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I looked back through about 10 days of your diary and what I noticed most of all is that you're very inconsistent about eating back your exercise calories, some days netting less than 800 calories total. I can only assume that's been your pattern the entire time you've been at this but I have to tell you, you're probably sabotaging your efforts by doing that. MFP has been designed so that you lose weight even if you do zero exercise. Your goal is, basically, set so that your body gets what it needs to function properly with the MFP model and very little (if any) extra. So if you deplete that number by exercising, you need to EAT IT BACK so that your body is replenished once again to the level it needs to work right. If you *don't* eat them back, or do so inconsistently as you have been doing, your body will have the tendency to become confused and not let go of weight in the way we expect, or even (as you're experiencing) put a little back on. I would bet that if you get very consistent about eating back your exercise calories and hitting your daily NET calories goal (the total number MFP gives you of your goal PLUS your exercise calories) you'll see the weight start to shed again in a few short weeks. That's the other thing to remember - it takes a good 4-6 weeks to be able to accurately judge if something you're trying is really working or not, so don't just do it for 2 weeks and then get frustrated when you don't see results and give it up. Give it TIME, be patient, be consistent, log, and it will happen.
  • ashleybb123
    ashleybb123 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions guys and gals! I guess I will have to be patient and change things up a bit...Some more calories and less processed stuff. Maybe I should also stay off the scale for a bit. A challenge in itself. =) Thanks!
  • inascent
    inascent Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for a great post....all the replies reminded me of why I am at a plateau. Hang in there...we are all on the same journey and it's nice to have fellow guides along the way! Congratulations on your hard work. I will kicking it up a notch with you!!:happy: