Not losing weight like I expected

I just started MFP on Sunday and yes I've lost 2 pounds since then. In the past when I would diet, I'd lose a lot in the first week... Usually around 5 lbs. My daily goal is 1250 calories. I have stayed withing my goal except I have eaten some of the calories that I burned off on most days since I was starving, and I have exercised four out of the last six days. Why is it coming off so much slower now??? Is it because I'm 37 and my metabolism is slowing down? Do you think I am eating too little? Im thrilled with 2 lbs but I've worked harder this first week than ever before and was just expecting more. Feeling bummed and need advice!


  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Patience. If you've started exercising that would have retained more water weight. Keep doing what you're doing. Though if I was you I would reconsider your calorie goal. You have around 30 pounds to lose so you could easily eat a lot more and lose weight in a sustainable manner. This thread may help you
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    edited April 2015
    So if you're following myfitness pal a healthy weight loss is considered between 1 and 2 lbs per week. Congrats! You did it! Your profile says you only have 32lbs to go which means you're probably closer to having to lose at a 1 lb per week rate than a 2lb per week rate. A lot has to do with how much you have to lose. As you get closer to your goal it gets harder.

    2 lbs a week is great! It's pretty aggressive really. Just remember you didn't put the weight on over night and you aren't going to lose it overnight. I have 27 lbs left and I'm finding 1 lb a week to be difficult with working out now that I"ve been doing it for 3 months. I recently decided that 0.75 lbs was more my style as I approach my goal. Slow and steady wins this race :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    hpumama123 wrote: »
    I just started MFP on Sunday and yes I've lost 2 pounds since then.

    When I first started MFP, on 1250 calories like you ... it was about 10 days before anything happened. I didn't lose a single gram.

    I would have been absolutely thrilled with 2 lb.

    And then ... after about 10 days ... just when I was beginning to think about giving it up. I started to lose, and have lost fairly consistently since then. But even so, it's not linear. Not a nice neat slope downward. I lose a bit for a few days, then nothing for a few days, then more for a few days, etc. etc.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    hpumama123 wrote: »
    I just started MFP on Sunday and yes I've lost 2 pounds since then. In the past when I would diet, I'd lose a lot in the first week... Usually around 5 lbs. My daily goal is 1250 calories. I have stayed withing my goal except I have eaten some of the calories that I burned off on most days since I was starving, and I have exercised four out of the last six days. Why is it coming off so much slower now??? Is it because I'm 37 and my metabolism is slowing down? Do you think I am eating too little? Im thrilled with 2 lbs but I've worked harder this first week than ever before and was just expecting more. Feeling bummed and need advice!

    reduce your expectations. With 32lbs you should be aiming for 1lb a week for the first 7-12lb then moving to 1/2lb a week. 5lb weight loss is typically mostly water weight.

    And yes 1250 is pretty that because you chose 2lbs a week?

    When I first started when I was gave me almost 1500 (I am 5 ft 7 and was 178lbs) plus exercise calories...for 1lb a week with exercise calories I ended up eating over 1600.

    You didn't put this 32lbs on in such a short time don't expect to lose it so fast.

    Do you use a food scale? are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? Are you sore from the exercise? I ask that as you are probably retaining water.

    So no your metabolism hasn't slowed that much....eating too little probably but that doesn't hinder weight loss just energy.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Also I should add when you start a new exercise program expect to sometimes have increases on the scale and don't get discouraged by these! When you tear up your muscles they retain water to repair themselves and that can cause an increase on the scale for an extended period of time from days to weeks. That happened to me and then whoosh off it all came and then some. I just wanted to warn you that weight loss can be a finicky thing.
  • hpumama123
    hpumama123 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for taking time to respond. It's definitely encouraging. I did choose the more aggressive route which is why 1250 is my calorie target. Well, it was really 1200 but I bumped it up to 1250 myself. I might recalculate it all and aim for the slightly higher recommended number. I can see getting burned out if I'm always hungry and I don't want that to happen. You're right... Slow and steady. :)

    Also, as hard as it is to do, I think I'm going to weigh myself just once a week rather than daily.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I am to the point that I would be VERY VERY VERY happy if I lost 2lbs in an entire month...even 1lb a month and I am feeling very happy.

    Lower your expectations - drastically.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Once a week is good - remember in the morning prior to eating or drinking anything is going to be your most consistent number! I also recommend Friday as most people tend to have their high sodium meals on the weekend which causes water retention ;)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    hpumama123 wrote: »
    Thank you all for taking time to respond. It's definitely encouraging. I did choose the more aggressive route which is why 1250 is my calorie target. Well, it was really 1200 but I bumped it up to 1250 myself. I might recalculate it all and aim for the slightly higher recommended number. I can see getting burned out if I'm always hungry and I don't want that to happen. You're right... Slow and steady. :)

    Also, as hard as it is to do, I think I'm going to weigh myself just once a week rather than daily.

    Yes upping calories will help with energy for exercise.

    weighing daily is fine as long as you understand that it does change up and down all the time.

    water weight, sodium, exercise, stress, TOM etc can all cause it to go up...

    I weigh weekly...on a day after a day with no exercise, low stress and not a lot of sodium.
  • runmama411
    runmama411 Posts: 162 Member
    Wow! I needed the responses here! I'm 43 with 28 pounds to go and have lost only 5.4 in 51 days on MFP. I have reduced a lot more inches than pounds, however. I'll just sit back and keep doing the right things. I'd adore that 1 pound loss a week consistently.