How soon after you eat carbs, do you workout?

just curious what people do regarding working out before or after you eat carbs??? It's confusing !


  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Eating or not eating is all personal preference.

    I do something light with protein & carbs and go work out at least 30 minutes after I finish eating, sometimes longer.

    You may find the same works for you or you may find you have to wait less/more time. You'll have to experiment and see.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I don't typically eat anything before my training. I drink coffee, but that's usually it. Maybe a banana, if I'm hungry - 30 minutes or so beforehand. Then I just eat my normal every day breakfast of 3-4 eggs, a slice of cheese, and two pieces of wheat toast.

    That works for me. For others, they find eating carbs (or whatever) 30-45 minutes every time helps them. Others like to consume carbs (or whatever) shortly afterward.

    It's really not confusing - just find what works for you. Meal/nutrient timing, for the average person, is fairly meaningless.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    It depends on how far/long I'm going to be running. During the week I go to the gym after work and eat nothing (I usually run 4-6.5 miles or 35-55 minutes and then a half hour/forty five minutes of strength training). But on the weekends I run in the morning and eat an hour before. Generally moderate on Saturday but more on Sunday as that is my long run day.

    I've tried eating before my evening workouts but then I have to go to the bathroom halfway through my run so I don't bother anymore. It's all preference.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    lipss2die4 wrote: »
    just curious what people do regarding working out before or after you eat carbs??? It's confusing !

    Whenever you feel like it.

    I had a carb loaded breakfast at about 8 a.m. and am getting ready to go for a run now. I've went right after a carb load, other times not for several hours.