I need advice for weight gain

I am 5'3 and I weight 105 and I want to gain weight but everything I eat does nothing to me. What else can I do to gain more weight.


  • Garebearrr
    Garebearrr Posts: 41 Member
    Eat even more, as simple as it sounds. You're burning more calories than consuming if not gaining weight so upping your calories even more is required. Consider taking some additional protein shakes in liquid form with oats, coconut oil, peanut butter, fruit, etc - It's much easier to drink calories than to eat calories. Or look for some higher calorie foods. Since I don't know anything about your diet or exercise regimen it makes it hard to give you more input.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    ^^ Agreed. Gotta get them calories. Its uncomfortable to eat enough for the first few weeks, but thats what it takes if you want to gain. It should be coupled with a lifting routine if you want those gains to be muscle instead of just fat.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    What are you logging per day? It's easy to think you are eating more or less calories than you really are. You can calculate your TDEE at IIFYM. com or Scooby's workshop then set your calorie goal for a surplus each day. If you aren't gaining after a couple weeks than add 100 calories per day till you start going up.

    If you are getting too full and are trying to eat clean foods only then think about adding in some calorific foods such as pasta, ice cream, cheese etc to get your calories up without getting too full.

    Good luck to you.
  • FarajaChristina
    FarajaChristina Posts: 3 Member
    I've had the same experience. I used to eat a lot but it would never show. Something that has worked for me is trying not to eat a lot in one sitting but to spread out my calories throughout the day. So instead of having breakfast, lunch & dinner, I would have small snack meals in-between. After a few days my body starts to automatically feel hungry around certain times.

    1. Spread out your calories into 5 manageable meals a day
    2. Include protein drinks after workouts to rebuild your muscles

    All the best :)
  • lionesslindsey
    lionesslindsey Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the same boat - I've found that eating more snacks, like fruit, veggies and dip, breads, nuts, etc. are a yummy and simple way to add more calories. If you're like me, I don't like to make a lot of complicated foods (unless it's for dinner so I actually have time to make something). So little grab and go, but healthy, snacks will help you along with your three meals a day. Good luck!!