On medication that makes it hard to loose weight?



  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    mirtazapine made me hungry ALL THE TIME and i put on two stone plus in six months...trying hard.to lose it slowly now im "well"
  • FearTheLord
    i have been there before with the remeron(antidepressant) it is well known to make the person eat more and gain more weight. I was on it for 19 years or so. I have always battled weight gain(losing and gaining a couple of times over my life) and well i decided to discontinue remeron and i actually stopped it a month or two ago. I am really hoping i can lose weight now, i feel my hunger is under more control now.
  • FearTheLord
    wow talk about same time posting with mirtazapine mirtazapine == remeron
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i'm on zeldox plus others it works wounders for me. this is a warning Seroquel is evil i put on so much weight back then from poor food and drinks that i got type 2 diabeties. i'v come a very long way since then. my blood work is normal. i didn't have this site back then and i didn't care. so as long as you can identify when your really hungry between Seroquel telling you to eat everything you will be ok
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    My heart medications cause weight gain. People can add me if they want
  • michellechawner
    I'm not on medication that makes me gain, but I have a medical condition that makes exercise difficult because I'm always in pain (Fibromyalgia).

    I've just learned to try harder and really watch you are eating, you may just lose it more slowly because of the medication, but it is still possible to lose.
  • rlizbeth
    rlizbeth Posts: 5
    Hi, yes I am the same situation and have gained 3 stone over the past 12 months. Need to shift it now as it's making me miserable :-(
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    mirtazapine made me hungry ALL THE TIME and i put on two stone plus in six months...trying hard.to lose it slowly now im "well"

    mirtazapine is used an animals (I am a veterinarian) as an appetite stimulant. Totally not surprising.
  • AttilaTheHorn
    AttilaTheHorn Posts: 6 Member
    Seroquel and mirtazapine are terrible when it comes to making people gain weight. The only thing worse is clozapine - which is the worst drug there is for weight gain. That's why I avoid prescribing those three if at all possible. Almost everyone who takes those gains at least 15 lbs and usually more. And there are alternatives that don't cause as much weight gain.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    You might want to talk to your doctor about Welbutrin. I've been on it for months, and haven't had any weight-related side effects. Some people even lose weight while on Welbutrin.

    I didn't gain any weight by taking welbutrine... But I hate that drug! My doctor prescribed it because of my low energy levels... But it didn't help! It did not help me in any way... And it actually made it veryyyy hard to get good sleep. I'm sure it's worked very well for others, but just warning anything thinking about taking this med... It did more harm than good to me.
  • autumnrunning
    was on Abilify and fluoxetine, the last was supposed to lessen the appetite but all i did was gain weight and wail and wait, honestly i was even more depressed than before going on meds. all i did was eat and sleep because they made me feel so inadequate, miserable, lifeless, apathetic...

    Now i've stopped taking them and am self-medicating with endorphins!
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    Prostap - massive water retention!!
  • SamanthaMitch1981
    Risperidone/seroquel made me gain alot, Now trying Abilify but I now cant sleep lol
  • lindewyser
    The 40 pounds of the weight that I have to lose is from Seroquel. Ugh! I hated that stuff.
    I have been off of it for a few years and just can't get the weight off.
    I am currently on a combo of Wellbutrin/Buspar/Klonopin. However, I am in need of a change and see the doc Wednesday.
    I am so nervous about changing meds...it can be so unpleasant.
    I am going to research as many meds as I can bf I go to the doc. I do not want a med that causes me to gain weight.
    Feel free to add me.
  • lillith1991
    Risperidone/seroquel made me gain alot, Now trying Abilify but I now cant sleep lol

    Yup. Seroquel made me gain weight but id prefer being able to sleep and working off the weight to not sleeping. Considering I've been known to stay up for a couple days because my body won't shut down I enjoy sleeping. I think I would be unhappy without that sleep. *****y manic horrible episodes are father apart. Moding my meds during that one cycle a month instead of cycling several times a mont is ok with me.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I'm currently on lithium, Abilify, bupropion and alprazolam (xanax) - trying to ditch the alprazolam but it's a fricking nightmare. I have been on the gamut of psych meds over the last dozen years. Lithium is my current "gainer" but my biggest gainer was Flurazepam, a "dinosaur drug but we've tried everything else so we'll hope it works." (my pdoc said when she prescribed it, 7 years ago and I'm still over 200lb). It worked only OK - def. not worth the 106lbs that I put on in less than a year. Zyprexa I put on 30 in 3 weeks, Seroquel 15 in 6 months, Risperdal 0 but started lactating again :laugh:; Geodon and Abilify have been weight neutral for me so far. I didn't really gain on any of the SSRIs I tried either, thankfully. Anyone can add me if you'd like, it'd be nice to have a couple friends who know the MH "ropes."
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you are on a medication for which there is a viable substitute and if the weight gain makes you depressed, don't ever let a doctor make you feel vain or guilty about wanting to explore alternatives. They are supposed to be treating the whole person and in addition to obesity being unhealthy, extremely overweight and obese people experience bias and often have low self-esteem. There's an even greater animus against overweight women. You have a life outside of your doctor's examining room.
  • Lo65
    Lo65 Posts: 33
    Thanks to everyone who has replied and those who have become my friends! You all have made me feel not so alone. I am currently tapering off of Abilify,and Artane, and hopefully will be getting off of the Elavil soon, too. I decided to make a bid for freedom from the antidepressants that I have been on for so many years. However, I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and Ehlers-Danlos Type III (a collagen disorder which can cause pain), and still take Savella and clonazapam, as well as steroids for asthma. Between all those, I had gained over 100lbs. I lost 66lbs when my Psychiatrist lowered my Abilify for a while, and I had to start new eating habits because of a bladder condition (Interstitial Cystitis), but over the last 5 months I put 14 lbs back on. Now my new MD says it all has to go! I'm so glad for the help here!
  • Bfreka
    Bfreka Posts: 9
    Totally understand I went on Mirtazapine and 13KG later here I am!!!!!
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I'll send you a request! I was on SSRI's for a long time and only gained no matter how hard I tried. >.<