Is it a journey, a lifestyle change, or just using common sense?

A journey sounds very cumbersome, as does a lifestyle change. I know someone who dips her French fries in mayonnaise and can't figure out why she is overweight. My theory is that everyone knows why they are overweight but can't own up to it. Including ME.


  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    Well a lot of people do know how they gained the weight and why they are overweight but that doesn't mean that it isn't a lifestyle change to lose the weight. They still have to start making different choices on a daily basis and make the weight loss something that is sustainable.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    A habit

    But to make the change a huge effort

    It's a commitment to me in 20 years time
  • MaggotPig
    MaggotPig Posts: 89 Member
    I think it's all of the above really.

    I can only speak from my experience of having to lose a lot (around 50% of my start body weight), but to lose weight successfully, you have to want to do it. Like really want to. The rest then follows. Some people just aren't at that stage yet no matter how much they complain about being overweight.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited April 2015
    MaggotPig wrote: »
    I think it's all of the above really.

    I can only speak from my experience of having to lose a lot (around 50% of my start body weight), but to lose weight successfully, you have to want to do it. Like really want to. The rest then follows. Some people just aren't at that stage yet no matter how much they complain about being overweight.

    You hit the nail right on the head!
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    In my opinion its a combination of all three. Well, for some people.

    For me it's not a journey anymore. It's just part of everyday life. Like taking a shower every day. I don't think twice about it anymore.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    I mean, I never required any motivation to lose my weight or stay on track. My success is based on habits.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Leana088 wrote: »
    I mean, I never required any motivation to lose my weight or stay on track. My success is based on habits.

    So would you say your habits are common sense, or a journey or lifestyle change?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited April 2015
    It really depends on your starting point, doesn't it?

    When I was 280lbs I used to dip my chips in tartar sauce and ketchup--both at the same time-- during my once, or twice, a week all-you-can-eat fish and chips dinners!

    Everyone knows that we are overweight because we've been putting in more calories than we've been putting out! Sure. But that's been going on for years. How do we change it?

    The why's and how's and the changes to make, I think those are very much a process, a journey towards a lifestyle change : - )

    New habits and outlooks have to be developed. New coping mechanisms have to be learned. Family, friends, relationships sometimes need to change. Health needs to become a priority.

    Would "dieting" by not eating chips with mayo have made a difference if I had continued going for AYCE fish and chips and not even walking 500 steps on several days each month?
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    It's none of them it's learning to live rather than aimlessly passing your time on this planet
  • kirsteena01
    kirsteena01 Posts: 13 Member
    MaggotPig wrote: »
    I think it's all of the above really.

    I can only speak from my experience of having to lose a lot (around 50% of my start body weight), but to lose weight successfully, you have to want to do it. Like really want to. The rest then follows. Some people just aren't at that stage yet no matter how much they complain about being overweight.

    This is what rang true to me. I knew I was overweight for a long time, but it's only this recent attempt that I am really truly interested in doing something about it. You have to want to, and be ready to.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Leana088 wrote: »
    I mean, I never required any motivation to lose my weight or stay on track. My success is based on habits.

    So would you say your habits are common sense, or a journey or lifestyle change?

    Change in lifestyle. Because like I said, it's become part of my everyday life, like brushing my teeth.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    edited April 2015
    A journey sounds very cumbersome, as does a lifestyle change. I know someone who dips her French fries in mayonnaise and can't figure out why she is overweight. My theory is that everyone knows why they are overweight but can't own up to it. Including ME.

    Does it matter what you call it? Whatever works for you!

    A lifestyle change implies it's going to last. A journey usually has an end point.

    Nothing wrong with fries or mayonnaise, so long as you're not eating too many, and all the time! I have fish 'n' chips on the seafront occasionally, with ketchup. I had an ice cream the other day. I still lose weight.

    Yes, you have to be motivated, and it has to come from you. No-one else can motivate you.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Leana088 wrote: »
    Leana088 wrote: »
    I mean, I never required any motivation to lose my weight or stay on track. My success is based on habits.

    So would you say your habits are common sense, or a journey or lifestyle change?

    Change in lifestyle. Because like I said, it's become part of my everyday life, like brushing my teeth.

    But you've been brushing your teeth (or at least I would hope) since you were a toddler. That's not a lifestyle change; it's just what you do every day.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Calling it a journey implies that there is an end point. If you want to remain at a healthy weight and fit it is a lifestyle change that should last forever. Of course at the start you are more focused but as the years go by you gradually incorporate those changes into your daily routine and it becomes your life. For example, I used to eat the snacks we get at work ( cakes, chocs etc). The first time I tried to lose weight I cut third out and replaced them with fruit. Now, years later, I still never eat workplace food- it's just me. I don't really think about it, it's just who I am.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Leana088 wrote: »
    Leana088 wrote: »
    I mean, I never required any motivation to lose my weight or stay on track. My success is based on habits.

    So would you say your habits are common sense, or a journey or lifestyle change?

    Change in lifestyle. Because like I said, it's become part of my everyday life, like brushing my teeth.

    But you've been brushing your teeth (or at least I would hope) since you were a toddler. That's not a lifestyle change; it's just what you do every day.

    True - but I haven't always eaten the way I do now. I had to change my eating habits.

    That habit change has just now become LIKE brushing my teeth after 3 years of doing it. I'm not going back to my old ways, (truthfully I can't even remember what they were...)

    So yes, the habit change I made has stuck, and I'll probably continue doing it for the rest of my life.
  • jontucc
    jontucc Posts: 142 Member
    I think that although a lot of the time it is common sense there are other non rational things that come in to play. Most people know what they should or shouldn't do but still we make bad choices even though we know they are not good for us. Eating can often give us instant gratification and food is everywhere and readily available (for majority of the population). So it is very easy to turn to food for comfort even if the feeling is fleeting.
    I have never really been overweight so I haven't found it as much of a struggle to lose a few kgs as others on mfp have experienced (my adult weight has fluctuated between 47 and 53kg). However I have a problem with impulse buying and spending small amounts of money on unnecessary things which add up really fast. In some ways I liken this to weight management. I know my triggers for spending, I know I need to set a budget and stick to it, I know what common tools can help me achieve my goal but yet I have not been successful in breaking this habit. I think a lot of people have their weaknesses (and strengths) and unless there is a really strong motivator internally to make that change then it won't happen. So in summary it is a journey to a new lifestyle and using common sense can help you get there if you are truly ready and want to make the change.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    edited April 2015
    it is a journey to a new lifestyle and using common sense can help you get there if you are truly ready and want to make the change.

    I like this way of putting it. :)
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited April 2015
    For me it's been 80% mindset, 20% calories and math. Everything fell into place after I figured that out, and it's still true now that I'm in maintenance. So, if I had to put a label this whole thing it would be weight loss/maintenance is a mind game that you have to win.

    And fries and mayo are a lovely combination btw ;)
  • CoachBarb_RS
    CoachBarb_RS Posts: 3 Member
    As a Lifestyle Coach, my passion to is help people on their journey to lifestyle change. I really enjoyed reading your comments and hearing about your perspective of how you view your journey, lifestyle change, transformation of whatever you choose to call it. Common sense is one I don't hear too often but deserves more thought. In today's overfed society, our culture does not have common sense when it comes to food, physical activity and even stress. It is hard enough to make good choices, but when the influences around you are against what you want to accomplish it is so hard to not fall victim to it. You almost have to get mad at it all. MFP is a great way to learn and think for yourself. Congratulations to all of you!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    A journey sounds very cumbersome, as does a lifestyle change. I know someone who dips her French fries in mayonnaise and can't figure out why she is overweight. My theory is that everyone knows why they are overweight but can't own up to it. Including ME.

    I think that's somewhat accurate but you get to call it whatever you want.

    I thought I knew why I was fat and I made a concerted effort to exercise and eat healthy foods. Nope. Nada.
    It wasn't till I started logging on MFP that I realized that it was the portions of the food hurting me!

    I was eating carrots and hummus for a snack, but is eat 400kcal of it! So while reasons might seem obvious in retrospect it sometimes takes awhile to get there.