i need help

i have lost around 55lbs in 9 months. i'm not yet in my normal weight but i'm still continuing my diet. right now i'm 54kg. but there are times that i do some binge eating and gain 1kg again and would stay like that for a week. i deprive myself from food a lot. especially treats. i know that that is one of binge eating causes but i'm scared to eat sweets or pastries in the afternoon, so when i crave for a donut in the afternoon i won't satisfy that craving.


  • astgte
    astgte Posts: 81 Member
    Theres nothing I like more than a donut, a cream bun, something sweet, something gooey, ive fought hard to get my weight off just like yourself but ive found that if I get that craving, just to go for it, have something to kill the craving, it usually isnt as good as I thought it would be. But I do log everything and when I see what that pastry could have provided me with food wise in other items, the cravings get less and less, its just something that we have to work at and break that mental addiction to. :)
  • GalactusEmpire
    GalactusEmpire Posts: 90 Member
    The best way to stop yourself from eating sweets is to keep them out of your reach. Don't buy them. Keep them out of your pantry. If you go to the store, don't go down those isles, and keep your mind in the "healthy only" setting.

    I miss sweets a lot. The only reason I don't eat them every day all day is only because I don't have them around me. All I keep in my house is food that I am ALLOWED to binge on. Which is usually healthy stuff.

    I feel your pain though..