Husband just deployed....Coming home to a sexy new wife!



  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member

    Can I give one piece of advice? It's very important to set yourself habits now that can be maintained for the long haul! Losing a bunch of weight now is great, but take it from someone who's been there - it's sooo easy to jump right back into old habits once he's home, and before you know it, all your hard efforts are for naught...

    totally agree! it's so easy to get "dumb, fat, and happy" after the reunion!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Hello fellow military wife!
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Please say thanks to your husband for his service and best wishes in reaching your goal for your man
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    What a great idea. You will not only be giving your husband a nice surprise but what a nice gift for yourself. If you can afford it try to get a personal trainer or try to join a gym and start going to some classes. That will not only take up some time but help you lose the weight faster and lose more body fat. Keep yourself busy, maybe join a club or do something fun, that will help you think of something besides eating. Good Luck. I hope you reach your goals!
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Not an Army wife here but looking to surprise my soldier (my son!!!) when he comes back from Germany, around Christmas time LOL

    Aw that is amazing! He is going to be so happy to see you!
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    My husband is also in the army. I am going to see him in 5 weeks, and I really want to be a bit trimmer when I do!!
    He is in Hawaii, and I move in 5 weeks.
    I want his jaw to hit the ground when he sees me at the airport!

    And I want it to be because of how I look and not how much luggage I have! hahahahaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    hahaha. Moving to Hawaii sounds so exciting! I am so happy you are getting to move with him! I am confident that you will reach your goal and if you don't I am even more confident that his jaw will still hit the floor! He is going to be so happy to see you!
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Mine deploys to Afghanistan Tuesday from Shilo MB (Canadian Army) but he's been posted across the country from home since last August. He's working on getting posted back home once the tour is over, so for me as well, it's kinda now or never!

    Can I give one piece of advice? It's very important to set yourself habits now that can be maintained for the long haul! Losing a bunch of weight now is great, but take it from someone who's been there - it's sooo easy to jump right back into old habits once he's home, and before you know it, all your hard efforts are for naught...

    Here's to building a healthy fit body for the rest of your life so that you have no need to be back on MFP the next time he deploys! :heart:

    Oh wow, well if you need to talk at any time I am here of course! Deployments suck haha. I hope that he has the ability to get posted near home so that you guys can get some since of "normal". And yes that is great advice. He is also working out over there and we are both doing it for the long term! Eating clean, working out everyday, we talk about our progress and what we are doing to be better all the time. Not just physically but mentally also! It is honestly amazing.

    And yes!!! Here is to that! lol
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Best wishes on your journey. Remember this is the journey of a lifetime, you are just getting a jumpstart while your hubby is away. Eat well, work hard, have fun!

    Background. Hubby was stationed in Korea for a year when we were engaged 31 years ago. Not exactly like what you are doing, so I am a bit out dated. We have been married 30 years. Lost weight while hubby was gone. Picked up the habit of eating portion for portion with him when we got married, BAD habit! :smile: Had kids, pretty active. Some weight gain over the years. Became in active and really put on a few pounds. Getting back on track now. I will get to renew my Driver's License this winter and put my REAL weight on it!:happy:

    Well first congratulations on 30 years! It is truly amazing to hear that is still happening, a long marriage. Which is so sad. Life does happen! I am glad you are back on track and getting back to where you are happy! I hope that you meet all your goals!
  • awise19
    awise19 Posts: 154 Member
    Please say thanks to your husband for his service and best wishes in reaching your goal for your man

    Thank you so much. I will!
    And again thank you! :)
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    My husband deploys in November. Sighhh, not looking forward to it but we gotta stay strong!! :) Good luck to you in your journey! <3 I'm still working on getting in shape and healthy right now, but when he comes back from deployment, I still want his jaw to hit the floor too! Hehe.
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 135 Member

    Can I give one piece of advice? It's very important to set yourself habits now that can be maintained for the long haul! Losing a bunch of weight now is great, but take it from someone who's been there - it's sooo easy to jump right back into old habits once he's home, and before you know it, all your hard efforts are for naught...

    totally agree! it's so easy to get "dumb, fat, and happy" after the reunion!

    Ditto! Luckily I was two or three months into diet and exercise before my bf moved away. Even so when I visit him sometimes I'm still like... LET'S GO TO DINNER. PASTA. WINE. NECESSARY. GOBS OF IT. SPRINKLES CUPCAKES. LET'S GO. haha but then the super surprised look on his face reminds me that I'm bein' crazy lol yay oxytocin
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 753 Member
    So my husband deployed to Afghanistan in May and my main goal is becoming a new healthier version of me. Physically and mentally! My husband knows my goals and is so excited and so am I! But my main issue is staying motivated, especially when he is away. Just kind of getting caught up in the laying around and being sad and eating because I am bored stages of deployment which is not where I want to be at all! So I hope that this community can help me stay motivated and stay on track! I can't wait to share my progress with everyone! :)


    That's cool! I hope you succeed! You should set up a ticker - it is SO exciting and motivational to see it everyday and when it gets updated with how much you have lost to date. My best advice is to be 100% honest on this site and to log everything - both food and exercise. Oh and have goals small steps apart so you're not waiting too long between goals to reach each one. Do something nice for each goal like a movie.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Buy something sexy in the size you want to be when he comes home (be realistic) and hang it in your kitchen where you'll see it every time you open the fridge! That would motivate me!
  • SandyC04
    SandyC04 Posts: 32
    Just want to reach out and thank all the military wives on here and their hubby's for their service... It takes a strong woman to handle deployments and give each and everyone of you credit! My son is military and there was never anything more difficult then when he deployed... You all have one big cheerleader in me... you go girls and bless you all for your sacrifices!!!!
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    Just want to reach out and thank all the military wives on here and their hubby's for their service... It takes a strong woman to handle deployments and give each and everyone of you credit! My son is military and there was never anything more difficult then when he deployed... You all have one big cheerleader in me... you go girls and bless you all for your sacrifices!!!!

    so sweet! <3
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    As a fellow Military wife, I totally applaud your goals for while he's deployed. I'm sure you'll achieve them all with your motivation! Please do add me ~ I'd love to support you during your journey!

    ~ Renae
  • Mljohn11
    Hi there! I am in the exact same place right now! (except for it's my fiance :D) He left in July and we both decided to work out together and work towards being the best version of ourselves while he's deployed! It almost brings us closer with the distance between us! I love it and am so excited to be doing this with him, he (like a lady said earlier) seems to make it sound so simple. Keep up the good work! Mine comes home in January, going to be fit BEFORE the next year! Giving myself a better version of myself for Christmas! :)