Natural Sugar vs Refined Sugar

I am confused by the sugar allowance daily.. There does not seem to be any difference if you are having sugar from an apple vs sugar that is added in something fat free, etc. It all counts toward the same sugar daily goal-
This seems to be contradicting to what I have read in the past regarding your daily sugar intake-
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    MFP does not see any difference between the two, it is therefore the one thing that I mostly ignore. as long as my sugar level is not silly high and most of my sugar comes from fruit and dairy then I'm good.

    This may be a different matter if you have diabetes or other sugar related issues and therefore doc's advice is the best thing but anyone who eats a reasonable amount of fruit is likely to bust the standard MFP auto levels.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    While I do believe that obtaining sugar from fruit and dairy sources is better than through refined, processed foods, I also believe that when it comes down to it, sugar is sugar, and too much is not a good thing, and so neither is an over-abundance of fruit. Trying to keep that sugar number fairly low is probably a good idea, though MFP's sugar number seems a bit arbitrary.
  • tonafoto
    tonafoto Posts: 246 Member
    Does this also have to do with the speed that it takes to absorb in your blood? With fruit it take much longer, so your insulinelevel will not rise as quick as with sugar. And fruit has a lot of natural fibers, vitamins and minerals, so that's another advantage.
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  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I don't worry too too much about natural sugars. If I go over because I eat a bunch of fruit in a day I'm not very concerned. Fruit is good for you and it's sugars have their own good properties. If I had gone over because I ate a bunch of candy or processed sugars I would be pretty upset with myself. That being said, sugar is sugar and if you're diabetic or pre-diabetic or even just concerned with your sugar intake, try to limit yourself to lower sugar fruits like berries, melons and peaches.