Looking for buddies :) Long fitness/life change journey starting.

Hello all!

I'm taking charge of my life (finally), and it wouldn't hurt to have a little buddy system to keep the morale up.

I'm 5'3" and ridiculously overweight right now.

Trying to learn how to eat clean, and how to efficiently work out.

Any friends, motivators, experience people in working out all welcome! :)


  • Diurla
    Diurla Posts: 3
    I should also mention my first goal is 50 lbs in the next 8-10 months.
  • You can do it!!! Keep pushing Yourself
  • reneatiffany597
    reneatiffany597 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'3 as well and getting chunky around the edges,
    But you can do it:) don't ever give up,
    I need at least 50 pounds gone, and I have a hard time doing it by myself,
    But once you set your mind too it, don't give up, look at pictures of how you want to look and fight for it! That's what I'm doing:) we can do this! GIRL POWER!
  • TylerNorris57
    TylerNorris57 Posts: 54 Member
    My suggestion eat how you normally would for a week and track everything don't pay attention to the #'s below.; Also remember that it is ok to have junk food just plan ahead for it.
  • Lol thanks so much, I barley eat junk food...I'm learning to eat smaller portions
  • TylerNorris57
    TylerNorris57 Posts: 54 Member
    My rule of thumb is to never eat a full serving of junk, also If I can make it healthier I can and have my best combination is home-made salsa and celery
  • Kirianna81
    Kirianna81 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5'1 and I have lost 61lb so far, feel free to add me and ask for advice, I still have a little ways to go but getting close. Making a life style change is defo the way to go but always remember to treat yourself, you will get overwhelmed with too much to soon otherwise.

    Set little mini goals along the way, so maybe 4lb every 2-3 weeks and keep realistic, the biggest danger is expecting too much of yourself then comfort eating if you don't reach your goals.

    Good luck on your journey, it can be done and you CAN do it too :)
  • Hi there. I'm overweight as well and want to lose the weight I'm aiming for and being able to keep it off. I've lost some weight so if I can do it so can you. Keep a current pic of yourself and post it up for you somewhere in your house so you can keep track each month as you progress. I say you can eat what you want just smaller portions and drink lots of water. Don't starve yourself. You'll do more harm than progress. You can do it girl!
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I'm 5'4" and while I've lost over 30 pounds I want to ultimately lose at least 40 more. I'm long term here on MFP, anyone can add me :)