If you had a million dollars what would be the first thing you would do?



  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    1) debts
    2) kids college fund
    3) downpayment on a house
    4) get more training in job-related skills
    5) Take an awesome vacation with nanny coverage
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    Buy a car, and a grey kitten
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Get my partner treated (finally) privately, pay off our student loans, buy a small place so we're not stuck renting anymore, then stick the rest away.
  • akgeenaminto
    akgeenaminto Posts: 113 Member
    I have money..i get up work out and go to work. Come home have dinner bike visit friends go out on weekends and party hard maybe once a month. I try and take a nice vacation once a year. My car is 5 years old. A million isn't a lot of money and investing sucks. It's another job in itself managing money...sorry rambling...waiting for club to open.
  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    First, pay off all my debt! After that, I would hire Brom to do the artwork, or at least some of it, for the tabletop RPG setting book that I am writing.
  • Jbvilla
    Jbvilla Posts: 30 Member
    I would buy a couple of 4 unit apt buildings. Use the cash flow to pay for my 4 or 5 bedroom house in the Oakland Hills.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    Buy a small house with enough room for my own private gym.

    A nice used car.

    Save the rest and live off the interest.
  • strickland313
    strickland313 Posts: 63 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    I would do some dumb shiit just so I could get fired

    Why didn't I think of that?
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    Since a million dollars wouldn't last forever, I'd go back to school and finish in something I'd love to do for the rest of my life (History Teacher), buy a house, invest some and save the rest.
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    I would buy a house so my husband and I can start a family finally. Not anything huge or fancy, just enough space for us. I'd give some to our families for whatever they wanted or needed to do. Then I would pay off whatever debt we have, credit cards, school loans, car loans, etc.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Go talk to my fee-based financial adviser.
  • justinegibbons
    justinegibbons Posts: 918 Member
    Pay off my student loans and my parents house, buy a house with a little bit of land for my little family, put some away for my son and brother to go to college and invest what was left over
  • WelshPhil1975
    WelshPhil1975 Posts: 138 Member
    A house with a swimming pool.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Buy a small house with enough room for my own private gym.

    A nice used car.

    Save the rest and live off the interest.

    After that you could probably do about $15,000-20,000 a year in interest. But I hear that's fabulously rich in San Fransisco ...
  • Combat_Fighter
    Combat_Fighter Posts: 70 Member
    Buy a McLaren P1 GTR!!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Prepay my taxes, pay off my mother's house, finish her basement, pay off my house, and add an addition, raise the roof 6feet, finish the basement, payoff student loans.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    quit my job
  • xbluehorusx
    xbluehorusx Posts: 57 Member
    Bye bye student loans!