5'2" with 30lbs to lose. Looking for others to help with support and motivation!

puraze Posts: 55 Member
I've been inconsistent in utilizing MFP but with summer coming and really motivated to get my butt in gear. I am hoping to reach out to others for the extra kick it needs. I'm 35, 5'2" and have a goal weight of 125. I work full time and have three kids and often find time and energy to be my biggest obstacle. When I stick to eating a whole food plant based diet it really makes a world of difference!


  • JoeyCW124
    JoeyCW124 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm also 5ft 2 and have a similar goal weight of 124lbs. I have a little girl and find that my downside is snacking on rubbish to get a quick energy fix. I find the best way for me to lose weight is through wholewheat carbs and avoiding sugar, especially in the low fat options where there is often a tonne of hidden sugar!
  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    I've learned to that the more prep I can do for the week (pre-making lunches and dinners, cutting up fruit and veggies for easier eating). The less likely I am to make unhealthy choices. Snacking is definately a downfall for me (as it is for many). I just tend to be too inconsistent with my weekly prep.

    I wish you all the best and hope you succeed in meeting you goals
  • nancyjay__
    nancyjay__ Posts: 310 Member
    Do you workout?
  • Hi I'm 5ft 2 also, would like to lose 20 pounds, I weigh 154, can anyone give me some examples of 1400 calorie meal plans, thank you all x
  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    I do. I've been inconsistent lately, but plan to change that. I love running, I have a number of work out programs on DVD, YouTube (love fitnessblender), and I walk daily at lunch. I have set a goal of at least 30min of excercise a day, varying in intensity.
  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    Hi I'm 5ft 2 also, would like to lose 20 pounds, I weigh 154, can anyone give me some examples of 1400 calorie meal plans, thank you all x

    I start everyday off with a big veggie/fruit smoothie, sprouted wheat toast and avacodo. Usually a homemade soup, salad or wrap for lunch, and dinner is usually a salad (I love to top it with some beans, sauerkraut, and toasted sunflower seeds), or now that it's summer a homemade veggie burger on the bbq. My favourite snack is bananas cut up and natural Peanut butter and flax seed on top.
  • nancyjay__
    nancyjay__ Posts: 310 Member
    You cannot have a successful journey without modifying the way you eat and same goes for a good old workout routine. 30 mins a day will help if you're 100% committed and working your a** off those WHOLE thirty mins with no breaks. Throw some weights around use some resistance bands hike with the kids. There are so many quick workouts on Instagram that you can do while the kids are napping or eating or right before you hit the shower. What is your calorie intake and macro intake?
  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    nancyjay__ wrote: »
    You cannot have a successful journey without modifying the way you eat and same goes for a good old workout routine. 30 mins a day will help if you're 100% committed and working your a** off those WHOLE thirty mins with no breaks. Throw some weights around use some resistance bands hike with the kids. There are so many quick workouts on Instagram that you can do while the kids are napping or eating or right before you hit the shower. What is your calorie intake and macro intake?

    Totally true. I set 30 minutes as a guideline but often go beyond that, and try to ensure at least 3-5 a week are high intensity. I'm pretty confident I have the tools and knowledge I need, it's my consistency and motivation that have been lacking. When I stick to what I know I should do I definitely see the results, I feel great and my energy levels go way up.

    I eat a large variety of plant based foods, again when I'm on target. I just really, really need to be more committed and consistent! I think I've finally reached my low point and am ready to get there:)