Switching from Weight Watchers

beck1967 Posts: 17 Member
Hi ! I've been doing Weight Watchers for the last 5 weeks and have only lost 2 pounds. I am hoping this will be better :smile:


  • Leesanders1966
    Leesanders1966 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Beck I have been here for only 12 days and I have lost 3lbs I do use a Polar loop activity band to help with hitting goals. Add me as a friend if you like always here to help.
  • Kendall2006
    Kendall2006 Posts: 124 Member
    I once was an active WW user once. But feel this way is more simple. I have been using this app for almost 2 years. I have not reached my goal yet, but determined to get reach it still. Down 40lbs. I am shooting for a 100lb weightloss. Add me as a friend and we can support each other.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I'm a former weight watchers as well. I lost about 20 with WW and have lost an additional almost 30 with MFP. I do like MFP much better because there is no pressure upon myself to weigh in in front of anyone every week, because we all find out eventually that we could be losing fat but it may not necessarily show on the scale.

    At this point, I'm 10 pounds away from my goal. I doubt I could have done it with WW.
  • kirsteena01
    kirsteena01 Posts: 13 Member
    I used Weightwatchers for a few months, but had issues with the whole 'fruit and veg are free points' thing. Since I moved here, I've found it far better and actually more straightforward and am actually seeing some decent losses now. Feel free to add as a friend if you want.