I need friends who can relate to my alcohol problem.



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    edited April 2015
    Key thing I read here was that you lost weight with "healthy foods". My perspective on that is that you weren't able to maintain eating that way and someone starting indulging in foods you missed.
    So this time try losing with some of the foods you actually like, but account for them calorie wise. You should try to eat more whole foods because of nutrient density and calories, but don't deprive yourself of foods you actually like either. Just be aware of actual portions and calories in those too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    My advice to you is to drink for the taste--not for the effect. Some people are drawn to alcohol because they like the way drinking makes them feel.

    If you drink for the feeling, starting to drink for taste only can't be done overnight, of course. If you're already there, then great.

    Interesting that you draw the analogy of alcoholic drinks to desserts. This tells me that you 'get it'; a lot of people don't!
    Once you have alcohol reduced to something 'tasty', you can treat it the same way you do desserts; great for special occasions, great once or twice a week, but no more. From a will-power standpoint, it should take no more will-power to avoid alcohol than it does for desserts.

    When you find yourself in a situation where you'd normally drink alcohol, find a tasty substitute and drink that instead--preferably a zero-calorie substitute. My go-to options are iced tea or Diet Coke, which are available nearly anywhere alcohol is.
    If you find yourself in social bar settings with friends and don't want to draw attention to yourself as the only one not drinking, order something that 'looks' like alcohol--I do club soda w/ a lime wedge.
  • mmnv79
    mmnv79 Posts: 538 Member
    I think you are a pretty amazing person. The ability to self realize problems you have and take genuine initiative to change habits is admirable! It also takes a really strong person.

    Agree. Wish you the best TheSkyis. <3

  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Yep. I just posted on another alcohol thread so I won't duplicate. There are so many of us going through this. I love the "make it your slave and not your master" quote.

    Honestly, I feel a LOT better physically after a few weeks of cutting back on alcohol. And the days that I didn't cut back did me in. These have been good lessons!

    You can do this! We can do this! We are the masters!
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Other than the weight loss issue this sounds a bit close to home; I drink pretty much every night, never to the point it affects my home life or work, but it's there. I can work it into CICO easily enough, but it's always at the back of my mind.

    It all comes down to stress, and unless I end my job, TU post, degree, relationship or life that stress is always going to be there, and I'm not planning on dropping any of those, so I can't see a resolution anytime soon.

    You seem to have the bull by the horns though, so best of luck with that.
  • britt01any
    britt01any Posts: 83 Member
    Best of luck to you. Stay strong!!
  • TheSkyis
    TheSkyis Posts: 8 Member
    BTW, I'm Melissa from The Dallas/Fort Worth area in Texas. Soon to be 40 yrs old
  • kimmybefit66
    kimmybefit66 Posts: 21 Member
    I totally understand ...i have just had my 49th birthday.... 4stone over wieght .... been on all types of diet but never stuck and now have the added problem of drinking wine on a too regular basis
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited April 2015
    If you think your alcohol consumption is a issue maybe you should seek help, only you can decide if you may be a alcoholic or not, key words it has not destroyed your life yet. Myself 23 years without a drink or illegal drugs, It did destroy my life. Do not wait for it to destroy yours if you think you are having issues at least seek help. If you are able to limit your consumption more power to you (no this last sentence is not being sarcastic but sincere).
  • TheLegendaryBrandonHarris
    Melissa, I drink often, too. My 'usual' is a half bottle of bourbon whiskey every night, and the whole bottle on Friday night. As I look back through my diary, alcohol accounts for 50-70% of my caloric intake---I would honestly rather drink than eat.

    So far I would not describe it as a problem---I get up in the morning and work out. Saturdays, I cut the grass, clean up, visit friends. I am at work on time every day and maybe take two sick days a year. I feel far better in the morning after a usual night of drinking than if I had not. All of my 'business' is taken care of.

    That being said, I'm a little concerned myself about this developing habit. I do have Crohn's disease that complicates things---I don't have the intestinal pain when I drink. Many foods cause those digestive issues, but not beer, wine, or liquors.

    I guess the whole point of telling you this is to let you know that you are not alone.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited April 2015
    Melissa, I could have written that initial post. I have learned to look so forward to a glass or two of wine in the evening.(more than food) I am also trying to stick to weekends only. I find if I have hot or cold tea, hot chocolate, sparkling water, something fun to drink, it is easier. So I keep my fridge stocked with "sparkling ice" zero calorie drinks. They have all kinds of fun flavors. I think this helps but I can so relate to what you are saying.
  • vlinden52
    vlinden52 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm with this poster! Was at a fifth of vodka a night, but recently cut back after I saw the impact of calories it has. Down to a pint which technically can still be a huge problem. Second you are not alone