Suggested food plan for achieving 165c 41f 110p

m_o_ Posts: 40 Member
I am changing what I am attempting to eat so that I can follow IIFYM but I have always had trouble getting close to my goals by macros ( I believe this is due to my habit of eat first track later).

Can anyone give me examples of a full day of eating that results in:
165 grams of Carbs
41 grams of Fat
110 grams of Protein

I would also like to be around 1500 calories. I had my basal rate tested and it was 1422.
I use to track my food well but I have been off of working out and taking care of myself for over three months.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,



  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Any food. Your macros don't need to always be perfect. I'm regularly over on fat (set at 65g as a minimum). Protein and fat are minimums.

    Meat, fish, poultry, fruit, veggies, donuts, cupcakes, cookies, PB, oils and butter, nutella, etc.

    My diary is open but I eat more than that and my macros are set higher than that. I basically eat whatever I fancy. I'm having a bad week this week (period + panic attacks + stress about school) so I've been eating more low nutrient food while meeting protein needs so I'm fine with it.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Make sure that you get the 110 proteins and 41 grams of fat. :) The carbs will fall into place by themselves.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'll write you a meal plan.... If you pay me! I would pre plan a days worth of food and add things until you get the numbers you need.

    If you're tracking macros, you don't need to worry about calories.
  • m_o_
    m_o_ Posts: 40 Member
    I understand that people get paid to do this , but I was asking for an example not a full weeks worth of food planning and macro setting. I respect you opinion even if it did make me have an adverse reaction.

    I have tried to pre-plan a day and edit it along the way but I find that I am not grasping how to balance them out properly: i.e. I was close to protein and fats but way off my carbs. This may be a result from previous "low carb" dieting as prescribed by my doctor for my GERD.

    Maybe I just didn't prose the question correctly.
    Perhaps this just takes a lot more practice.

    Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my question and your help thus far.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'll write you a meal plan.... If you pay me! I would pre plan a days worth of food and add things until you get the numbers you need.

    If you're tracking macros, you don't need to worry about calories.
    And everyone on MFP could write her one for free. So can the internet.

    And 2nd is incorrect. She must be aware of her calorie allowance to set her macros, and being aware of calories is far easier than ignoring them - if I go over on fat and hit protein spot on, I have no idea how many more carbs I can eat to still reach my calorie needs.

    And OP, doesn't matter if you are off. Protein and fat are minimums. Reach your weekly minimum needs and you can be over or under on macros overall. I've met my protein needs and fat needs this week. I'm usually under on carbs because I prefer fat.


    Weekly averages:
    P = 127g
    F = 74g
    C = 254g
  • CEA85
    CEA85 Posts: 5 Member
    Try It helped me a lot with counting macros until I finally got the hang of it
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    m_o_ wrote: »
    I understand that people get paid to do this , but I was asking for an example not a full weeks worth of food planning and macro setting. I respect you opinion even if it did make me have an adverse reaction.

    I have tried to pre-plan a day and edit it along the way but I find that I am not grasping how to balance them out properly: i.e. I was close to protein and fats but way off my carbs. This may be a result from previous "low carb" dieting as prescribed by my doctor for my GERD.

    Maybe I just didn't prose the question correctly.
    Perhaps this just takes a lot more practice.

    Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my question and your help thus far.

    So, if you're under on carbs, add more carbs. Stick some rice or pasta or beans in to your dinner or lunch, eat more starchy vegies, have some fruit or dessert, have a sandwich....

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I'll write you a meal plan.... If you pay me! I would pre plan a days worth of food and add things until you get the numbers you need.

    If you're tracking macros, you don't need to worry about calories.
    And everyone on MFP could write her one for free. So can the internet.

    And 2nd is incorrect. She must be aware of her calorie allowance to set her macros, and being aware of calories is far easier than ignoring them - if I go over on fat and hit protein spot on, I have no idea how many more carbs I can eat to still reach my calorie needs.

    But.... They haven't.

    In terms of disregarding calories, if you say your macros are XYZ, and you've stuck to those, you don't need to worry about the calories you're eating. If you choose to alter your macros by going over in one then, yes, you would need worry about calories but then you haven't stuck to your macros.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm eating pretty close to those numbers except with quite a bit more protein. Feel free to take look at my diary its open.
    Preplanning is the way to go if you're trying to hit your macros as close as possible. I also only pay attention to the macros, the calories fall into place on their own if your macros are set properly and if you're using an accurate mfp entry for your food.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    I'll write you a meal plan.... If you pay me! I would pre plan a days worth of food and add things until you get the numbers you need.

    If you're tracking macros, you don't need to worry about calories.
    And everyone on MFP could write her one for free. So can the internet.

    And 2nd is incorrect. She must be aware of her calorie allowance to set her macros, and being aware of calories is far easier than ignoring them - if I go over on fat and hit protein spot on, I have no idea how many more carbs I can eat to still reach my calorie needs.

    But.... They haven't.

    In terms of disregarding calories, if you say your macros are XYZ, and you've stuck to those, you don't need to worry about the calories you're eating. If you choose to alter your macros by going over in one then, yes, you would need worry about calories but then you haven't stuck to your macros.

    And what is the point in "sticking" to my macros 100% if it means that I'm not enjoying my life with as little effort as possible?

    Fat = minimum intake.
    Protein = minimum intake.
    Carbs = the rest of your intake.

    Meaning if your goal is 100g protein, 50g fat, and 200g carbs (1650 cals) but you eat 110g protein and 56g fat, then the rest of your intake can be made up of carbs if you don't want to eat more protein and fat. I.e. ~176g of carbs. Which is "the rest" in this guideline.

    To advise someone to stick to their macros such that they are NEVER over or under is just poor advice, especially when given to someone who is already at a loss for how/what to eat and doesn't have much experience with tracking macros. And yes, I track macros, quite diligently. As noted above I was over my weekly intake need for both fat and protein, meaning I hit my minimum, meaning I hit my macros.
  • illyich
    illyich Posts: 195 Member
    But.... They haven't.

    In terms of disregarding calories, if you say your macros are XYZ, and you've stuck to those, you don't need to worry about the calories you're eating. If you choose to alter your macros by going over in one then, yes, you would need worry about calories but then you haven't stuck to your macros.

    I'd say getting your minimums in is a better view of sticking to your macros. When I first started I was so paranoid of going over my calories and seeing red that I wouldn't eat if I was hungry when I was too close. Getting the idea in someone's head that if they don't meet the exact, on-the-nose number for the macros can be damaging to people that are starting out - if someone goes over by 1g of fat, they'll just count the day as a loss and eat whatever.

    In other words, set your macros, get your protein and fats in. Going a bit over is fine. Pay attention to your calories too.

    >inb4 someone calls me out on my diary for this weekend's chinese and sushi extravaganza

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    edited April 2015
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Make sure that you get the 110 proteins and 41 grams of fat. :) The carbs will fall into place by themselves.

    I have found tracking this to be very true. I strive for 25+ g fiber a day and that ensures I get my carbs.

    I am generally under on carbs--the only time I really try to hit it is the day before I do my long run. I get adequate carbs to fuel my daily activities and 30-40 minute runs.

    (my carbs generally fall in the low-to mid-100s)