Crying on the Elliptical

So last week I used the thigh machine wrong. It's that one where you have the pads spreading your legs and you have to bring them together with added weight. I used too much weight and did too many sets until I strained my groin muscles. The next 3 days involved intense pain and only a few people believing that I genuinely hurt myself (most people said 'you just gave your thighs a good workout" ignoring the fact that I know that feeling and this most certainly wasn't that feeling >_< ) and to top it all off, I had to skip my normal day at the gym. I ate normal, only went a little over my intake a few days, and yesterday I decided to go back to the gym when it no longer hurt to walk... or stand still... or sit...

First I did my weekly "day on the scale" and that was the big mistake. I gained 5lbs since my last weigh in.

...what!? How did I gain back all the weight I lost in -one- week? I only skipped one day at the gym! I told Mom our scale had to be broken (It reads me 4lbs heavier than the reading I got at the doctor's after all) but she insists it's not.

Friends tried to reassure me.
"Staz, the injury to your muscles might have caused them to fill with blood and that will add weight"
"It's probably water weight"
"You're losing fat but gaining muscle mass"

i tried to believe them all, maybe all of that did add up to more weight? it's possible! but as soon as I looked up from the scale to the mirror, I saw Fat Staz again.

The disappointment resonated with me when my friend took me back to the gym. I was too scared of injuring myself again that I took it slow. Very light weight on the machines, only 25 minutes on the elliptical. As soon as i got on the elliptical and realized i was already tired after 5 minutes... I realized that meant all the progress I made these past 3 weeks went down the drain. I couldn't do 30 minutes at a speed of 5, only 20 at a speed of 3 with a low level cool down. I was in pain, sweating, and miserable. I began to cry.

Luckily no one saw me but it was just so demoralizing. I don't think I'll ever lose the weight or these love handles. it just sucks, and I'm getting in to that depressed head space where I don't want to waste my time at the gym as it won't amount to anything.


  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    I don't know anything about your injury, but I do know that me and my sister in law go to the gym three or four times a week. She has been working on building muscle for a lot longer than I have, so she can lift heavier weights than me. A week or so ago she really hurt her shoulder muscle because she lifted too much weight too fast. She did have to take a few days off and work for a few weeks to get back to the state she was before. It's hard, but it's worth it. Don't get discouraged, keep pushing through it! That's the most important part! And even if you're not losing weight, you still may be losing INCHES. I suggest you buy a measuring tape and measure yourself once or twice a month, you may think differently about your body then. But please, do not be so harsh on yourself! That doesn't solve anything. You're a beautiful person. Just push through this bad spot and focus on the good! I hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon. Much love. :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    As the person above said, it is a bad spot. It is just a bump in the road; don't let it derail you by letting it get so far in to your head. Face forward, eyes up, and MARCH ON SOLDIER!!!!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    We've all been there, trust me. I ended up doing too much this week and pulled a muscle in my bicep, which has made continuing to work out challenging. I did the same thing last fall (just a slightly different part of the muscle), and I've pulled muscles in my quads, calves, and groin. Which meant I had to take it easy to recover, and that meant I couldn't get the workout I needed to feel less stressed, which translated into bad news bears for the rest of my life. I ended up crying on a few runs, or feeling bummed after getting back and not performing like I used to.

    Point being, though, if you got back out there, you've already won half the battle. You didn't stay at home, you didn't sit on the couch and mope, and you didn't just chuck everything out the window. You went back. Even if you were slower, you still went back. That right there is progress, because you could have thrown in the towel and not bothered at all. That's a huge choice, and how fast you go doesn't matter in the long run; it's that you went at all.
  • sonofsisyphus
    sonofsisyphus Posts: 1 Member
    I am going to go way out on a limb here but I would guess that you are one of the nicest people your friends know. At least you don't sound like the kind of person that would be a complete jerk to someone, especially someone that you just met. So let me ask you this - if you would not be a jerk to a perfect stranger, why are you so mean towards yourself? First of all, your profile pic is way hot. But that is not what is awesome about you. You are trying to improve yourself. You go to the gym. You are watching what you eat. These things are difficult to do. They are things that less than 20% of the population even tries to do. You hurt yourself and then the first thing you do at the earliest possible moment after being able to walk again is get back in the gym and hit it. Crying on the treadmill is hardcore. You are an extreme badass.
    If a complete stranger can look at you and admire you for the fight that is in you, why are you being such an *kitten*%^% to yourself?
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. You are going to have bad days. Your weight can easily fluctuate 5-15 pounds with water and food in your system (depending on your size). Don't sweat the small stuff.
    Fitness and beauty are more a lifestyle and a mindset than a set of measurements. Develop healthy habits - working out, eating well, getting enough sleep. Habits are things you just do - not something you do long enough to fit into an outfit. They don't ever stop. If you build these habits, the rest will take care of itself in time - I promise. Workout because it makes you feel better. Eat right because it is better than feeling bloated and gassy. Bottom line - take care of yourself. If you don't love yourself, noone else will. If you start appreciating how strong you are and how disciplined you really are you will understand it when all of those girls that seem so hot to you now are wishing they were more like you and how incredibly powerful you are. You are doing all the right things. You will get there. Just quit nagging yourself with "Are we there yet/" It is really not very helpful.
    Tip: Instead of worrying about the scale, set small goals for yourself each week and then let us know about the ones you achieved. Goals like - go to the gym 3 times this week or log all my food at least three days this week. Keep taking pictures. You really are very pretty. Quit picking the pictures apart and see what the rest of us see - someone to look up to. :smile:
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    I learned very early on that thigh machine and I do not get along. It's the one thing I refuse to use again, ever.

    After an injury there's nothing wrong with taking it easy and building back up slowly.

    Add in some extra ab and arm work. Do skull crushers, they are great for abs, biceps, triceps, and lats all at once. Great burn. Use the machine, or do them with a free weight if you have a spotter.
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    What they are saying about your injury is true too. I walked too much this weekend, too fast for what I'm use to. The scale went up a bit and didn't budge for about 4 days because no matter what I ate and how much I drank, my muscles needed to repair the damage I did to them. Once they did, the amount I gained and more came back off overnight.

    You're beautiful, and you're working hard. Please don't let one setback set you all the way back. Its going to take a bit to walk at the same pace, purely because of the area you injured, but you will do it and more!
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    ....Stand up and never say never
    Cos your life is gonna get better
    Take a breath Shake it off and say
    I'm on my way...!

    *Charlie Brown - On my Way*

    If you look at my pics in my profile you can see that those love handles CAN disappear! Stay focus! :flowerforyou:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    5 Lbs in a week is water...'cuz science. Just keep on keepin' on.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    All about the long-term goal, IMNSHO.

    We're here for you. :)
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    You just made me want to push forward. And you can too! Thank you :bigsmile:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    So last week I used the thigh machine wrong. It's that one where you have the pads spreading your legs and you have to bring them together with added weight. I used too much weight and did too many sets until I strained my groin muscles. The next 3 days involved intense pain and only a few people believing that I genuinely hurt myself (most people said 'you just gave your thighs a good workout" ignoring the fact that I know that feeling and this most certainly wasn't that feeling >_< ) and to top it all off, I had to skip my normal day at the gym. I ate normal, only went a little over my intake a few days, and yesterday I decided to go back to the gym when it no longer hurt to walk... or stand still... or sit...

    First I did my weekly "day on the scale" and that was the big mistake. I gained 5lbs since my last weigh in.

    ...what!? How did I gain back all the weight I lost in -one- week? I only skipped one day at the gym! I told Mom our scale had to be broken (It reads me 4lbs heavier than the reading I got at the doctor's after all) but she insists it's not.

    Friends tried to reassure me.
    "Staz, the injury to your muscles might have caused them to fill with blood and that will add weight"
    "It's probably water weight"
    "You're losing fat but gaining muscle mass"

    i tried to believe them all, maybe all of that did add up to more weight? it's possible! but as soon as I looked up from the scale to the mirror, I saw Fat Staz again.

    The disappointment resonated with me when my friend took me back to the gym. I was too scared of injuring myself again that I took it slow. Very light weight on the machines, only 25 minutes on the elliptical. As soon as i got on the elliptical and realized i was already tired after 5 minutes... I realized that meant all the progress I made these past 3 weeks went down the drain. I couldn't do 30 minutes at a speed of 5, only 20 at a speed of 3 with a low level cool down. I was in pain, sweating, and miserable. I began to cry.

    Luckily no one saw me but it was just so demoralizing. I don't think I'll ever lose the weight or these love handles. it just sucks, and I'm getting in to that depressed head space where I don't want to waste my time at the gym as it won't amount to anything.


    You didn't gain five pounds in a week. No way. It's normal for weight to fluctuate for lots of different reasons. Water, salt, change in barometric pressure.

    It's also normal to have days where you feel like you've never worked out before. Ever. One day, I'll stomp a 10 mile run. The next week, I can't finish 2 miles. Take a step back and listen to your body.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    5 Lbs in a week is water...'cuz science. Just keep on keepin' on.

    ^^^ this. All you did was replenish your glycogen stores (which is a good thing, incidentally) and glycogen is stored with water, hence the increase in scale weight. You did not gain any fat. You can't gain fat that fast unless you are sitting on the sofa all day doing nothing but stuff your face with donuts and takeaway pizza. (even then you'd probably vomit most of it out rather than gain 5lb of fat in a week, unless you're used to eating that amount of junk,and it seems to me that you're not) Seriously, it's not fat!!

    and stop focusing on scale weight like it's the be all and end all of health and/or looks. It's not. not in the slightest. Focus on measurements, how your clothes fit, what you look like in the mirror, and above all, being fit, strong and healthy. Honestly most women need to throw their scale in the bin. It tells you nothing about your body composition. it tells you nothing about how fit you are, or how strong you are, or how healthy you are. In fact, healthy bones and muscles are heavier than light ones, so in some circumstances, weight gain is a good thing.

    So please stop stressing about it. You did not gain 5lb of fat!! I highly doubt you gained any fat at all.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    You just made me want to push forward. And you can too! Thank you :bigsmile:

    Steady. Remember you have a weak heart.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I think you have some issues with your self esteem that you need sorting. I was going to come in here and make a smart *ss remark about how the elliptical machine would make me want to cry as well but after reading this post and your profile I think you might need to focus on your self image.

    As for the scale, different scales will vary. If you weigh yourself, at the same time every week on the same scale, it'll be more accurate. But again your only getting your weight. Water, glycogen, etc., all effect weight so it would be wise to start taking measurements as well.

    As far as your training goes, I would skip the hip adductor machine and start focusing on low rep, heavy weight, and large, compound muscle groups in order to improve body composition. The spending hours to the point of exhaustion on the elliptical is a good way to tire yourself out with seeing minimal results.
  • Darrell916
    Darrell916 Posts: 110 Member
    I can tell you from personal experience that with a groin injury just because you feel great an you can walk does not believe that it has healed. This injury can take any where from weeks to months to heal.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    just keep your focus and don't OVERDO had to learn the hard way. exercise will teach you how to have a better understanding of YOUR body ( you are a snowflake,we are all different) in the same way good eating habits will teach you a good relationship with food.

    Rest and recover when you need to, and keep going. it might not happen within your timescales, but it will happen in the end.

    keep at it and don't quit!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yep, it's totally normal for your weight to fluctuate if you're new or are just returning to weight lifting and/or exercise in general. If you've got an injury or soreness, you can expect to see water weight fluctuations with that stuff as well. Your body will hold on to fluids to repair itself.

    Don't sweat it, and try not to put so much stock in what the scale says whenever you step on it. Take measurements, use your eyes and the mirror, take photos, etc.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I am going to go way out on a limb here but I would guess that you are one of the nicest people your friends know. At least you don't sound like the kind of person that would be a complete jerk to someone, especially someone that you just met. So let me ask you this - if you would not be a jerk to a perfect stranger, why are you so mean towards yourself? First of all, your profile pic is way hot. But that is not what is awesome about you. You are trying to improve yourself. You go to the gym. You are watching what you eat. These things are difficult to do. They are things that less than 20% of the population even tries to do. You hurt yourself and then the first thing you do at the earliest possible moment after being able to walk again is get back in the gym and hit it. Crying on the treadmill is hardcore. You are an extreme badass.
    If a complete stranger can look at you and admire you for the fight that is in you, why are you being such an *kitten*%^% to yourself?
    Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. You are going to have bad days. Your weight can easily fluctuate 5-15 pounds with water and food in your system (depending on your size). Don't sweat the small stuff.
    Fitness and beauty are more a lifestyle and a mindset than a set of measurements. Develop healthy habits - working out, eating well, getting enough sleep. Habits are things you just do - not something you do long enough to fit into an outfit. They don't ever stop. If you build these habits, the rest will take care of itself in time - I promise. Workout because it makes you feel better. Eat right because it is better than feeling bloated and gassy. Bottom line - take care of yourself. If you don't love yourself, noone else will. If you start appreciating how strong you are and how disciplined you really are you will understand it when all of those girls that seem so hot to you now are wishing they were more like you and how incredibly powerful you are. You are doing all the right things. You will get there. Just quit nagging yourself with "Are we there yet/" It is really not very helpful.
    Tip: Instead of worrying about the scale, set small goals for yourself each week and then let us know about the ones you achieved. Goals like - go to the gym 3 times this week or log all my food at least three days this week. Keep taking pictures. You really are very pretty. Quit picking the pictures apart and see what the rest of us see - someone to look up to. :smile:

    ^^^ALL THIS^^^
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    In a way this is a good thing because you'll learn from it. An important part of exercise and long-term fitness goals is not overdoing what your body is capable of. I know this sounds harsh, but it's true, and a lesson that a lot of dedicated fitness freaks and gym rats have to learn the hard way.

    I'm speaking from personal experience here. A couple of years back I was doing really well at the gym, I was there from November to February and getting bigger and bigger. People were noticing the difference and my gf was more attracted to me than ever. Then my gym instructor said it was time to take things to the "next level" and gave me a massively hard workout. Two days later I woke up in excruciating pain. I even called an ambulance and was put on hardcore painkillers. Turned out I hard torn my trapezius through one of the 'new' exercises. I was laid out for six weeks. I lost all my gains, all my motivation, everything.

    That was a while ago and I'm back at the gym now and things are a lot better. But it taught me two things: never overdo your exercising and, more importantly, if you have a tried and trusted exercise that works for you STICK WITH IT. If you do something new or overdo your sets or weights you could screw yourself up. Oh, and always always always warm up before a workout. A lot of people don't because they can't be bothered to and they end up injuring themselves before their muscles aren't mobilised properly.

    So yes, what happened to you sucks but in the long-term you have learned an important lesson. Now you can bounce back stronger than before and with added knowledge and experience.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I saw the title and thought it was about crying with euphoria like some runners experience.

    People see machines and think they can pile on a bunch of weight when they've never even really worked those muscles like that. Have a trainer show you around the gym and show you what would be effective for your goals. Better yet, pay for a few sessions to learn how to properly use the machines so you don't hurt yourself again.

    Hurting your groin is pretty serious. It can take a while to heal.

    Stop crying, smack yourself and get back in that gym and kick some *kitten*.